Stanley Robson de Medeiros Oliveira - Team
Sector: General Head Office
Role: General Head
Date of Hire: 15/09/1989
Registration: 261330
Stanley Oliveira has a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Campina Grande, PB, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Alberta, Canada. He has additional training in management skills development from Fundação Dom Cabral and advanced management from Amana-Key, among others. He is a researcher at Embrapa and currently holds the position of General Head of Embrapa Digital Agriculture, in Campinas, SP. He has a strong experience in RDI institution management and in the areas of research and administration. He is a member of the Scientific Computing Research Group at Embrapa Digital Agriculture, working in the fields of research in data mining, machine learning, big data analytics, digital transformation in agricuture, traceability and digital certificatiojn. In the academic area, he is a professor of the graduate program at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) and a collaborating researcher at the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). He is also interested in leadership and management skills development.
1986 - 1990
Graduação em Ciência da Computação
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Title: Sistema de informação para gestão de propriedades agrícolas
Obtained year: 1990
Advisor: Roberto Kelly Barbosa
1992 - 1995
Mestrado em Ciência da Computação
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Title: ALLOS - uma ferramenta para solucionar modelos de redes de filas usando cadeias de Markov
Obtained year: 1995
Advisor: Maria Izabel Cavalcanti Cabral
2001 - 2004
Doutorado em Computer Science
University of Alberta
Title: Data Transformation for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
Obtained year: 2004
Advisor: Osmar Rachid Zaiane
Areas of expertise
- Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Computer science / Subárea: Computing Methodology and Techniques / Especialidade: Data Mining
- Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Computer science / Subárea: Computing Methodology and Techniques / Especialidade: Machine Learning
- Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Computer science / Subárea: Computing Methodology and Techniques / Especialidade: Database
- Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Computer science / Subárea: Computing Methodology and Techniques / Especialidade: Information Systems
- Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Computer science / Subárea: Big Data Analytics