Nuno Rodrigo Madeira

Researcher Embrapa Vegetables


Curriculum Lattes

Office of the Deputy Head of: Research and Development

Date of Hire: 03/06/2002

Registration: 308341


Born in 1971 in Rio de Janeiro, he worked in vegetable production in Sumidouro, in a mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro. Graduated in Agronomy from Viçosa Federal University (UFV) in 1994, Master in Plant Production / Horticulture in 2000 and Ph.D. in Plant Production / Horticulture from Lavras Federal University (UFLA) in 2004. He is researcher at Embrapa Vegetables after 2002, working mainly in the research lines of "Vegetables under No-Tillage Systems", "Arracacha (Peruvian carrot) Crop" and "Traditional Vegetables Crops (Non-Conventional Vegetable Crops), besides the experience of work in technical cooperation projects in Haiti and Africa."


1990 - 1994

Graduação em Agronomia

Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Obtained year: 1994

1997 - 1998

Especialização em Administração Rural

Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Obtained year: 1998

1996 - 1997

Especialização em Proteção de Plantas

Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Obtained year: 1997

1998 - 2000

Mestrado em Agronomia (Fitotecnia)

Universidade Federal de Lavras

Title: Novos clones de mandioquinha-salsa para a região de Lavras

Obtained year: 2000

Advisor: Rovilson José de Souza

2000 - 2004

Doutorado em Agronomia (Fitotecnia)

Universidade Federal de Lavras

Title: Micropropagação e indexação de mandioquinha-salsa

Obtained year: 2004

Advisor: Rovilson José de Souza

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