Patricia Rocha Bello Bertin

Researcher Ombudsman's Office


Curriculum Lattes

Role: Ombudsperson

Date of Hire: 25/10/2002

Registration: 311231


Patricia Bertin is a Biologist and PhD in Information Management from Loughborough University, UK (2014). Information manager and scientist of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) since 2002, her main research interests lie on incorporating fundamentals and principles of systemism into corporate strategies for data, information and knowledge management. Topics such as Research Data Management, Open Data, Governmental Transparency, and Open Science and Innovation are of particular interest. She has served as a co-chair for the Interest Group on Agricultural Data of the Research Data Alliance ( between 2016 and 2021, and coordinator of the Brazilian commitment to Open Science in the IV Open Government National Action Plan - 2018-2020 ( Currently, Patricia works as Ombudsman for Embrapa.


2018 - 2020

Graduação em Banco de Dados

Centro Universitário de Brasília

Obtained year: 2020

1995 - 1999

Graduação em Ciências Biológicas

Universidade de Brasília

Obtained year: 1999

2000 - 2002

Mestrado em Patologia Molecular

Universidade de Brasília

Title: A atividade enzimática da aminopeptidase II de Borrelia burgdorferi depende de sua estrutura oligomérica

Obtained year: 2002

Advisor: Jaime Martins de Santana

2010 - 2014

Doutorado em PhD in Information Management

Loughborough University

Title: Towards effective governance of information in a Brazilian agricultural research organisation

Obtained year: 2014

Advisor: Gillian Ragsdell

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Applied Social Sciences / Área: Information Science / Subárea: Information Management
  2. Grande área: Applied Social Sciences / Área: Information Science / Subárea: Knowledge Management
  3. Grande área: Applied Social Sciences / Área: Information Science / Subárea: Governança da Informação
  4. Grande área: Applied Social Sciences / Área: Information Science / Subárea: Systems Research
  5. Grande área: Applied Social Sciences / Área: Information Science / Subárea: Science And Technology Studies
  6. Grande área: Applied Social Sciences / Área: Information Science / Subárea: Governança de Dados
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