Fernando Flores Cardoso

Researcher Embrapa Southern Livestock


Curriculum Lattes

Sector: General Head Office

Role: General Head

Date of Hire: 01/10/2003

Registration: 313625


Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (1995), has a master's degree in Animal Science from the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (1999), master's degree in Applied Statistics from Michigan State University (2002), Ph.D. in Animal Science from Michigan State University (2003) and postdoctoral in Bioinformatics with emphasis on Statistical Genomics at Michigan State University (2006). Currently a researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation and Head of Embrapa Southern Livestock Center (Bage/RS), and permanent faculty of the Graduate Program in Animal Science at Federal University of Pelotas and Applied Computer Science at Unipampa . Research fellow of the National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development. He has experience in Animal Science with an emphasis in Animal Breeding and Genetics, acting on the following topics: breeding objectives and selection criteria, methodology for genetic evaluation of beef cattle, crossbreeding systems, use of genomic information in animal breeding and genotype-environment interaction.


1990 - 1995

Graduação em Medicina Veterinária

Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Obtained year: 1995

1999 - 2002

Mestrado em Applied Statistics

Michigan State University

Title: Plan B (sem tese)

Obtained year: 2002

Advisor: Robert J Tempelman

1997 - 1999

Mestrado em Zootecnia

Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Title: Genetic characterization of the performance from birth to weaning of Angus cattle raised in the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

Obtained year: 1999

Advisor: Ricardo A Cardellino

1999 - 2003

Doutorado em Animal Science

Michigan State University

Title: Hierarchical Bayes models for beef cattle genetic evaluation under extensive management conditions

Obtained year: 2003

Advisor: Robert J Tempelman

2006 - 2006

Pós-Doutorado em

Michigan State University

Obtained year: 2006

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Animal Science / Subárea: Domestic Animal Genetics and Breeding
  2. Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Probability and Statistics / Subárea: Applied Probability and Statistics
  3. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Animal Science / Subárea: Animal Production
  4. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Veterinary Medicine / Subárea: Animal Reproduction
  5. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Veterinary Medicine / Subárea: General Animal Medicine and Surgery
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