Marcia Mascarenhas Grise

Researcher Embrapa Fisheries and Aquaculture


Curriculum Lattes

Office of the Deputy Head of: Technology Transfer

Sector: Technology Transfer Program Implementation

Date of Hire: 02/05/2007

Registration: 327185


She holds a degree in Agronomy Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná (1996), a specialization degree in Agribusiness Business Administration from the Catholic University of Administration and Economics, FAE, Paraná (1997), a Master's degree in Animal Science from the State University of Maringá (2000) and a PhD in Agronomy - Vegetable production (CAPES Sandwich scholarship) by the Federal University of Paraná - University of Florida (2005) and a and university degree in Interior Designs by the University of Amazonia, UNAMA (2012). She has experience in the areas of Plant Production and Animal Science, with emphasis on Pastures and Forragiculture, working mainly on the following themes: SDGs, Susteinable production Systems, Integreted Production Systems, Integration of crop-livestock-forests systems, silvipastoral systems, pasture management, nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration and emissions of Greenhouse gases. She was a researcher at the Department of Phytotechnology and Phytosanitary Research at the Federal University of Paraná from 2000 to 2002. She is a researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, EMBRAPA, since 2007. Currently, in the area of #8203;#8203;sustainable production and integration of crop-livestock-forest systems and forage in the Embrapa Fisheries and Aquaculture Unit.


2010 - 2012

Graduação em Design de Interiores

Universidade da Amazônia

Obtained year: 2012

1992 - 1996

Graduação em Engenharia Agronômica

Universidade Federal do Paraná

Obtained year: 1996

1997 - 1997

Especialização em Administração de Empresas Agribusiness

Faculdade Católica de Administração e Economia

Title: Avaliação do Mercado de Frutas no Paraná

Obtained year: 1997

Advisor: Judas Tadeu Grassi Mendes

1998 - 2000

Mestrado em Zootecnia

Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Title: Avaliação Animal e da Pastagem de Aveia Preta (Avena strigosa Schreb) consorciada à Ervilha Forrageira (Pisium arvense L.) em Diferentes Alturas no Arenito Caiuá

Obtained year: 2000

Advisor: Ulysses Cecato

2002 - 2005

Doutorado em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal)

Universidade Federal do Paraná

Title: Partição da biomassa e de nutrientes em uma pastagem de Bahiagrass cv. Pensacola em diferentes intensidades de manejo com novilhos.

Obtained year: 2005

Advisor: Adelino Pelissari

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Animal Science / Subárea: Pasture and Forage Cropping / Especialidade: Pasture Management and Conservation
  2. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Ciclagem de Carbono
  3. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Estudo Das Emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa e Sequestro de Carbono
  4. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta
  5. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Animal Production
  6. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Manejo e Tratos Culturais
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