Marcos David Ferreira

Researcher Embrapa Instrumentation


Curriculum Lattes

Office of the Deputy Head of: Research and Development

Date of Hire: 01/10/2007

Registration: 328144


Marcos David Ferreira has a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1986), a master's degree in Post-Harvest from the University of Florida (1994), a doctorate in Phytotechnics from the University of São Paulo (1999) and a post-doctorate from Texas AM University ( 2000). Researcher at Embrapa Instrumentação, São Carlos, SP in the area of post-harvest technology for vegetables and fruits, with an emphasis on research for conservation and reduction of losses, in instrumentation applied in nanotechnology for edible coatings, nanosensors and polymeric packaging and also in non- destructive methods through Infrared spectroscopy and Magnetic Resonance and worked in harvesting - mobile platforms, processing. Accredited professor in the postgraduate program in food, nutrition and food engineering, UNESP, interunits (IBILCE, S.J. Rio Preto and FCF, Araraquara). Author/co-author of more than 100 scientific articles published in specialized journals with 5 patents submitted, and two licensed products on the market. Editor of 3 books and participated in 20 book chapters. He supervised 15 master's students, 12 doctoral students and more than a hundred in scientific initiation. Coordinator of the post-harvest technology course - website: held by Embrapa Instrumentação since 2011 and since 2021, the seventh edition is available in virtual format on the platform Embrapa e-campo, with more than 9.800 registered (numbers on the CV update date). Among the awards received, the most recent were in 2023 - GS1 Brazil Automation award in the Education category - Traceability module - seventh edition of the post-harvest course and in 2024 the 1st edition of the GS1 Latam a la Excelencia Award in the Academic and Professional Excellence category.


1983 - 1986

Graduação em Engenharia Agronômica

Universidade de São Paulo

Title: Pesquisa de Iniciação Científica sobre Determinação de Doses Compatíveis de Fertilizante Fosfatado na Infecção Micorrízica no Consórcio Feijão-Milho

Obtained year: 1986

Advisor: Siu Mui Tsai Saito

1992 - 1994

Mestrado em Fisiologia da Pós-Colheita

University of Florida

Title: Physiological Responses of Strawberry to handling impacts and precooling methods

Obtained year: 1994

Advisor: Steven A. Sargent

1996 - 1999

Doutorado em Fitotecnia

Universidade de São Paulo

Title: Qualidade de bulbos de cebola em função de diferentes tratamentos pré-colheita

Obtained year: 1999

Advisor: Keigo Minami

2000 - 2000

Pós-Doutorado em

Texas A&M University System

Obtained year: 2000

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Food Science and Technology / Subárea: Food science / Especialidade: Post-Harvest Physiology
  2. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agricultural Engineering / Subárea: Agricultural Machinery and Implements
  3. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agricultural Engineering / Subárea: Agricultural Product Processing Engineering / Especialidade: Storage of Agricultural Products
  4. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agricultural Engineering / Subárea: Agricultural Product Processing Engineering / Especialidade: Transferência de Produtos Agrícolas
  5. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Plant Science / Especialidade: Crop Management and Treatments
  6. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Plant Science / Especialidade: Plant Breeding
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