Italo Ludke

Technician Embrapa Vegetables


Curriculum Lattes

Office of the Deputy Head of: Technology Transfer

Role: Deputy Head of Research Center

Date of Hire: 01/04/2009

Registration: 335725


He holds a degree in Agronomy from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2007). Master in Agronomy from the University of Brasília (2009), with emphasis on Agricultural Systems of Sustainable Production. Since 2009, he has been a Technician A of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) working in the Technology Transfer Area, working with Technical Articulation, Demonstration Units Installation, Courses, Training, Dias de Campos, as well as participating in several Government Transfer Projects and Programs of Technology. Since April 2016 he is supervisor of the Implementation Sector of the Technology Transfer Program at Embrapa Hortaliças and in February 2017 and Deputy Substitute Head of Technology Transfer at Embrapa Hortaliças.


1998 - 2000

Curso Técnico Profissionalizante em Técnico Agrícola-Halitação Agropecuária

Colégio Agrícola de Santa Maria

Obtained year: 2000

2002 - 2007

Graduação em Agronomia

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Obtained year: 2007

2007 - 2009

Mestrado em Agronomia

Universidade de Brasília

Title: Produção orgânica de alface americana fertirrigada com biofertilizantes em cultivo protegido

Obtained year: 2009

Advisor: Osmar Alves Carrijo

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Tranferência de Tecnologia
  2. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Sustainable Production
  3. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Fertilidade do Solo e Adubação
  4. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Agrometeorology
  5. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Produção de Mudas
  6. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Geomática
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