Luc Felicianus Marie Rouws

Researcher Embrapa Agrobiology


Curriculum Lattes

Office of the Deputy Head of: Research and Development

Date of Hire: 22/11/2010

Registration: 351033


I am a plant biologist graduated from the University of Wageningen, The Netherlands, and a researcher with extensive international experience in research on soil microbiology and interactions between plants and microorganisms, with a focus on laboratory research and bioinformatics. I have a track record of scientific publications, of leadership of research groups, laboratory and field experiments and analyzes, and of technical assistance, training and qualification. After obtaining my PhD in Biological Chemistry from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 2008, I have been working at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) and, since 2015, also as an Associate Professor at UFRRJ. From 2022 to 2023 I worked as a Visiting Scientist at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), where I improved my skills in metagenome and metatranscriptome analyses for the design of synthetic microbial communities. My current research focuses on plant-microorganism interactions, with a focus on microorganisms that promote plant growth and biological nitrogen fixation and microbiomes in association with plant species of agricultural interest, such as sugarcane, grain legumes and wild legumes, using microbiological methods, molecular biology, confocal and electron microscopy, state-of-the-art sequencing methods and bioinformatics, in addition to greenhouse and field-trials. My main goal is to contribute to the advancement of microbiome-based research innovations towards a more sustainable agriculture.


1995 - 2001

Graduação em Ciências Biológicas

Wageningen University

Obtained year: 2001

1995 - 2001

Mestrado em Microbiologia Agrícola

Wageningen University

Title: Molecular characterization of altered sensitivity to azole fungicides in Aspergillus nidulans

Obtained year: 2001

Advisor: Alan Carvalho Andrade

2003 - 2007

Doutorado em Química Biológica

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Obtained year: 2007

Advisor: Adriana Silva Hemerly

2022 - 2023

Pós-Doutorado em

Netherlands Institute of Ecology

Obtained year: 2023

2008 - 2010

Pós-Doutorado em

Embrapa Agrobiologia

Obtained year: 2010

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Genetics / Subárea: Molecular and Microorganism Genetics
  2. Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Botany / Subárea: Plant Physiology
  3. Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Microbiology / Subárea: Molecular and Microorganism Genetics
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