Juarez Campolina Machado

Researcher Embrapa Dairy Cattle


Curriculum Lattes

Office of the Deputy Head of: Research and Development

Sector: Núc Temático Prod Veg e Pastagens

Date of Hire: 14/02/2011

Registration: 353219


Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Viçosa (2005), Master's degree in Genetics and Plant Breeding from the Federal University of Lavras (2007) and PhD in Genetics and Breeding from the Federal University of Viçosa (2008). He is currently pursuing an MBA in Project Management from USP / Esalq. From 2008 to 2011, he worked as a Researcher at the Paraná Agronomic Institute (IAPAR) in the development of winter cereal cultivars. For a mandate he was president of the Paraná regional of the Brazilian Society of Plant Breeding. He is accredited for co-guidance in the Graduate Program in Genetics and Improvement of the Federal University of Viçosa. He is currently a Researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), based in Embrapa Milk Cattle. At Embrapa, among other contributions, he was Deputy Head of Substitute RD for one year, invited member of the Macroprogram 2 Technical Committee (CTMP2) for four years and member of the managing committee of Embrapa's Pasture RD Portfolio and management group. of the Bioenergetic Grass Arrangement. He is currently Executive Secretary of the Internal Technical Committee of Embrapa Cattle Milk and of the Fibers and Biomass Portfolio Management Committee for Industrial Use. Has experience in Agronomy, focusing on Plant Breeding, developing research on the following topics: Tropical forages, genetic resources, elephant grass, abiotic stresses and bioenergy


1997 - 2000

Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais

Obtained year: 2000

2000 - 2005

Graduação em Agronomia

Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Obtained year: 2005

2019 - 2021

Especialização em MBA em Gestão de Projetos

Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz

Title: A inovação digital sob a perspectiva dos stakeholders de instituições públicas de pesquisa e de ensino parceiras: o caso do Programa Residência Zootécnica Digital

Obtained year: 2021

Advisor: Glauber dos Santos

2005 - 2007

Mestrado em Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas

Universidade Federal de Lavras

Title: Estabilidade de produção e da capacidade de combinação em híbridos de milho

Obtained year: 2007

Advisor: João Cândido de Souza

2007 - 2008

Doutorado em Genética e Melhoramento

Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Title: Melhoramento de trigo para tolerância ao calor e qualidade de grãos

Obtained year: 2008

Advisor: Moacil Alves de Souza

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Plant Science / Especialidade: Plant Breeding
  2. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Melhoramento de Forrageiras Tropicais
  3. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Biomassa Energética
  4. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Quantitative Genetics
  5. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Plant Breeding / Especialidade: Melhoramento de Cereais de Inverno
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