Lauro Rodrigues Nogueira Junior

Researcher Embrapa Territorial


Curriculum Lattes

Office of the Deputy Head of: Research and Development

Sector: Grupo de Gestão Territorial Estratégica

Date of Hire: 30/05/2011

Registration: 355431


I have a DSc in Forest Resources from ESALQ/USP (2010) on Carbon Stock in Phytomass and Changes in Soil Attributes in Different Models of Atlantic Forest Restoration; Master's in Forest Sciences from ESALQ/USP (2000); and a degree in Agronomy from the University of Taubaté (1997). Currently, I am Researcher A at Embrapa in the line of research on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and sub-area of Environmental Management and Recovery of Degraded Areas. I work at Embrapa Territorial, working in the Strategic Territorial Management Group. I acted temporarily as Deputy Head of Technology Transfer at Embrapa Coastal Tablelands and I was supervisor of the Management Sector of Technology Transfer. Professionally I worked as: Partner/Director of Atitude Ambiental Consultoria e Prestação de Serviços em Meio-Ambiente LTDA; Consultant to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment on issues of Recovery of Altered Ecosystems and Environmental Services of the Atlantic Forest (2008); Technical-scientific consultant for the Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), for Petrobras and for Horizonte XXI, between 1999 and 2007; Agroecological farmer in southern Bahia (2003-2010). I have experience in the area of Nature Conservation, covering the ecological restoration of the Atlantic Forest, the management of Conservation Units, the sustainable management of non-timber forest resources and environmental services related to carbon, as well as experience in the productive area, covering the adequacy and environmental regularization of farms and the planting and management of crop species.


1992 - 1997

Graduação em agronomia

Universidade de Taubaté

Title: Efeito da Umidade do Substrato e do Sombreamento no Desenvolvimento Inicial do Palmiteiro (Euterpe edulis) em Condições Naturais e de Viveiro

Obtained year: 1997

Advisor: Simey Thury Vieira Fisch

1998 - 2000

Mestrado em Ciências Florestais [Esalq]

Universidade de São Paulo

Title: Caracterização de solos degradados pela atividade agrícola e alterações biológicas após reflorestamentos com diferentes associações de espécies da Mata Atlântica

Obtained year: 2000

Advisor: José Leonardo de Moraes Gonçalves

2006 - 2010

Doutorado em Recursos Florestais

Universidade de São Paulo

Title: Estoque de carbono na fitomassa e mudança nos atributos do solo em diferentes modelos de restauração da Mata Atlântica

Obtained year: 2010

Advisor: Vera Lex Engel

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Forest resources and Forest Engineering / Subárea: Nature Conservation / Especialidade: Restauração de Áreas Degradadas
  2. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Soil Science / Especialidade: Soil Management and Conservation
  3. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Forest resources and Forest Engineering / Subárea: Forest Management / Especialidade: Non-Timber Forest products
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