Daniel Trento do Nascimento

Researcher Diretoria de Inovação, Negócios e Transferência de Tecnologia


Curriculum Lattes

Role: Executive Director's Advisor

Date of Hire: 10/01/2012

Registration: 358760


PhD in Sustainable Development (UNB) and Master in Business Administration (UFSC). Has Specialization in International Relations (UNB) and Local and Government Management (Ryukoku University, Japan). Researcher at Embrapa, having ocupied the positions of Chief of the Secretariat for Innovation and Business; Innovation Manager and Supervisor of the Innovation and Business Coordination at Embrapa Headquarters.He has already worked in universities and research institutions as well in international organizations. In 2020, he was invited to join the Innovation team of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), where he is the General Coordinator for Open Innovation. Responsible for creating some innovation programs and calls for Startups such as Pontes para Inovação, Café.com Agritechs, Inova SIN, ILPF Conecta, Agrobit Mapa Conecta, MAPA Conecta, among others. Works with the following themes: Sustainable Development; Innovation management; Open Innovation; Technology Transfer and Business Modeling; Startups, Agtechs, Foodtechs.


1995 - 2000

Graduação em Administração

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Obtained year: 2000

Advisor: Pedro Carlos Schenini

2007 - 2007

Especialização em Local Government & Public Services

Ryukoku University - Graduate School of Ecnomics - Japan

Title: Local Environmental Governace in Brazilian Municipalities

Obtained year: 2007

Advisor: Yoshio Kawamura

2016 - 2016

Especialização em MBA em Fitossanidade - Proteção de Plantas

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas

Title: Desafios para inserção comercial de cultivares transgênicas no Brasil

Obtained year: 2016

Advisor: Eduardo Spers e Carla Gomes

2004 - 2004

Especialização em Relações Internacionais

Universidade de Brasília

Title: Cooperação Internacional em meio ambiente na Amazônia

Obtained year: 2004

Advisor: Norma Breda

2001 - 2003

Mestrado em Administração

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Title: Agenda 21: análise do processo de implantação da Agenda 21 local no município de Florianópolis, S.C.

Obtained year: 2003

Advisor: Pedro Carlos Schenini

2006 - 2010

Doutorado em Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Universidade de Brasília

Title: O papel dos conflitos socioambientais e de eventos climáticos extremos no fortalecimento da gestão ambiental municipal no Sul Catarinense.

Obtained year: 2010

Advisor: Maria Augusta Almeida Bursztyn

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Humanities / Área: Political Science / Subárea: Políticas Públicas Ambientais
  2. Grande área: Others / Área: Environmental Sciences
  3. Grande área: Humanities / Área: Sociology / Subárea: Sociology of Development / Especialidade: Desenvolvimento Sustentável
  4. Grande área: Applied Social Sciences / Área: Administration / Subárea: Public administration / Especialidade: Gestão Ambiental
  5. Grande área: Applied Social Sciences / Área: Economics / Subárea: Agrarian and Natural Resource Economics
  6. Grande área: Applied Social Sciences / Área: Economics / Subárea: Agrarian and Natural Resource Economics / Especialidade: Rural Development
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