Luiz Orcirio Fialho de Oliveira - Team
Office of the Deputy Head of: Technology Transfer
Role: Deputy Head of Research Center
Date of Hire: 01/02/2012
Registration: 359156
Graduated in Agronomy (UFV, 1985) and Veterinary Medicine (UFMS, 1997), PhD in Animal Science (UFMG, 2005). Its main line of research is related to the use of indicators focused on animal consumption estimates and forage digestibility. He worked on the management of beef cattle and beef cattle. He has worked as a consultant on animal nutrition and product development for several Food, Feed, Premix and Core Industries for Cutting, Milk, Equine and Sheep Cattle, such as M. Cassab, Jully, QGN, Church & Dwight, Zoomix, Real H, among others. He worked from 1987 to 2010 as a consultant in strategic management of feeding and supplementation of beef cattle and dairy cattle. He composed the research team of Embrapa Pantanal from 2011 to 2017 and is currently working on animal nutrition studies at Embrapa Gado de Corte. In its publication line, the work on the effects of pasture supplementation on consumption and animal performance, effects of early weaning on calf performance and herd fertility, studies on supplementation strategies on economic aspects , Environmental and sustainability aspects of the system, studies on the relationship between supplementation x pastures and animal performance, as well as methane emissions from cattle to pasture through different production strategies. He has been working on food strategy projects in the production of early calf from breeding to fattening (Project + Precoce) and estimates of pasture consumption using indicators of fecal production and digestibility, pasture consumption and strategic supplementation, consumption behavior of animals supplemented with mineral mixtures, protein supplements and energy, among others. He currently holds the position of Head of Technology Transfer at Embrapa Gado de Corte.
1981 - 1985
Graduação em Agronomia
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Title: Utilização de resíduo de mandioca na alimentação animal
Obtained year: 1985
Advisor: José de Melo
1993 - 1997
Graduação em Medicina Veterinária
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
Title: Gerenciamento do sistema de produção de bovinos de corte
Obtained year: 1997
Advisor: Arley T Silveira
2000 - 2001
Mestrado em Zootecnia
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Title: Efeito da suplementação com misturas múltiplas sobre o consumo e digestibilidadede novilhos nelore em pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha CV. Marandú
Obtained year: 2001
Advisor: Eloísa de Oliveira Simões Saliba
2001 - 2005
Doutorado em Ciência Animal
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Title: Estudos de desempenho e consumo, dinâmica ruminal de fase líquida e sólida e digestibilidade in situ da Brachiaria brizantha CV Marandu em bovinos de corte suplementados com proteinados durante o período seco do ano.
Obtained year: 2005
Advisor: Eloísa de Oliveira Simões Saliba
Keywords: consumo, Digestibilidade, suplementação, misturas multiplas, marcador
Area: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Animal Science / Subárea: Pasture and Forage Cropping / Especialidade:
Area: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Animal Science / Subárea: Feed Assessment / Especialidade:
Areas of expertise
- Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Animal Science / Subárea: Nutrition and Animal Feed / Especialidade: Animal Feed Assessment
- Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Animal Science / Subárea: Pasture and Forage Cropping / Especialidade: Forage Plant Assessment, Production and Conservation