Esdras de Carvalho Sousa - Team
Sector: General Head Office
Sector: Internal Technical Committee
Role: Supervisor III
Date of Hire: 05/03/2013
Registration: 361295
Master in Logistics and Operational Research (2010), Specialist in Administration and Marketing in Retail (2006) and Bachelor in Business Administration (2004), all from Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), has professional experience as a logistics analyst at M. Dias Branco S/A, management analyst at Gas Company of Ceará (CEGÁS), administrator and head of material and assets of the Coordination of Logistic Resources of the National Department of Works Against Droughts (DNOCS). He taught in the disciplines of Business Logistics, Production Management, Inventory Planning and Management, Integrated Projects, Budget and Finance at CDL College (Fortaleza) and Catholic University Center of Tocantins (Palmas). He is currently an Analyst at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), serving as Executive Secretary of the Internal Technical Committee (CTI). Areas of Interest: Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Process Analysis, Data Analysis and Data Science.
2000 - 2004
Graduação em Administração de Empresas
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Title: O Plano de Marketing e sua aplicação em cooperativas populares: caso da cooperativa COOPSOL
Obtained year: 2004
Advisor: Hugo Oswaldo Acosta Reinaldo
2005 - 2006
Especialização em Gestão de Marketing do Varejo
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Title: Relacionamento entre posicionamento competitivo e segmentação de mercado: um estudo analítico
Obtained year: 2006
Advisor: Hugo Oswaldo Acosta Reinaldo
2008 - 2010
Mestrado em Logística e Pesq. Operacional
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Title: A influência do Centro de Distribuição no desempenho logístico de empresas varejistas de supermercados no município de Fortaleza: um estudo de multicasos
Obtained year: 2010
Advisor: Fernando Ribeiro de Melo Nunes
Areas of expertise
- Grande área: Applied Social Sciences / Área: Administration
- Grande área: Applied Social Sciences / Área: Administration / Subárea: Business administration / Especialidade: Marketing
- Grande área: Engineering / Área: Production Engineering / Subárea: Production Management / Especialidade: Supplies
- Grande área: Applied Social Sciences / Área: Administration / Subárea: Business administration / Especialidade: Logística