Embrapa Forestry
Busca de Projetos
Bioeste Florestas: developing technologies for energy forests in western Paraná state
The west of Paraná state produces large volumes of grains due to the availability of land well-suited for agriculture. Alongside significant grain production in the region, there are alsoproduction chains for pork, poultry, and fish, and collaborative efforts between producers,cooperatives, agroindustry, and rural extension. Grain and animal protein production createsmajor demand for forest biomass to dry grains, fire boilers in plants, heat poultry sheds, andother agribusiness activities that require heat. Forest biomass provides renewable andsustainable energy, as well as technological differentials that make it competitive over otherenergy sources, since cooperatives and agroindustries are large consumers of this type ofenergy. But although the forest biomass production chain in the region is important, it sufferssetbacks due to lack of planning. Alternating oversupply and shortages of this biomass areseen over time, causing insecurity for everyone involved in the process (producers andconsumers); shipping costs often make transporting energy wood unfeasible as the distancebetween producers and consumers increases. To address these questions, Itaipu Binacional,CIBiogas, and Embrapa Florestas developed this project to provide more solid support forplanting trees to produce energy from forest biomass in western Paraná. The project worksalong three major lines: 1) providing diagnostic/prognostic tools for eucalyptus plantations inthe region (modeling software and maps/spatial imaging) developed using regional data suchas environmental conditions (local soils and climate), the technological level of the plantations,market conditions, and the logistics of production flow and wood biomass consumption; 2)boosting the sustainability of eucalyptus production systems with field testing of geneticmaterials, plantation spacing, fertilizing, animal waste (principally from pigs, which areabundant in the region), and crop/livestock/forest integration systems; 3) technology transferto technicians (in cooperatives/companies or extension agents) and rural producers onplanting forests for energy generation (and other uses) in pure plantations and integratedcrop/livestock/forest integration systems.
Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 Conclusion date: Tue Aug 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2021
Head Unit: Embrapa Forestry
Project leader: Joao Bosco Vasconcellos Gomes
Contact: joao.bv.gomes@embrapa.br