Embrapa Forestry
Busca de Projetos
Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon stocks in Atlantic Forest remnants
Native forests help regulate the Earth's climate by storing carbon (C) and reducing greenhousegases (GHG), which heat up the planet. For this reason, removing C from the atmosphere andstoring it in the biomass of trees (roots, trunks, branches, and leaves) and in the soil andlowering emissions of GHG such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide can helpregulate global temperatures. However, there is still little information about the magnitude ofthese processes in most forests, including urban forests, which are so important for urbanresilience to the effects of climate change. This data is essential to implement public policies toencourage the fight against climate change, and also can direct the national climate changepolicy and the objective of Sustainable Development Goal 13. This project will constructenvironmental quality indicators related to the potential of native forest remnants to reducethe impacts of climate change. To do so, Embrapa Florestas is working in partnership withEmbrapa Solos, the Blumenau Regional University Foundation (FURB), the Federal University ofParaná (UFPR), and the O Boticário Group Foundation to assess preserved natural areas,altered areas, and fragments of remaining mixed ombrophile forests and dense ombrophileforests located in peri-urban and urban environments. The original vegetation of the AtlanticForest biome has already changed significantly, and for this reason quantifying carbon stocksand gas flows as a strategy for mitigating climate change can also offer an alternative topreserve these remaining areas. In addition to the direct impacts, the data generated mayorient guidelines for better social planning, tax incentives, and preservation/recovery ofnatural forests.
Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 Conclusion date: Sun Jul 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2022