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Cloning Araucaria trees to produce timber and pine nuts

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Araucaria spp. is a species that can be used to produce wood and pine nuts. Vegetationpropagation techniques to produce Araucaria seedlings via grafting and cuttings/mini-cuttingsand establish orchards to produce wood and pine nuts have been developed and are alreadyunderway at Embrapa Florestas. These techniques are being assessed at a research scale andprotocols need to be tested in rural properties and companies for validation and technologytransfer, as well as to develop and assess improved genetic materials for Araucaria to producewood and pine nuts. To do so, this project is a partnership with the Florestal Gateadoscompany focusing on activities to develop and assess superior Araucaria clones to producewood from trees selected from the company's plantations and from Embrapa's geneticmaterials, as well as to establish and evaluate an Araucaria clone orchard to produce pine nutswith Embrapa's genetic materials. The estimated timeline for this plan is 15 years, after whichadditional discussion and assessment based on the advances obtained and emerging demandswill be conducted.

Status: In progress Start date: Thu Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2018 Conclusion date: Mon Oct 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2033

Head Unit: Embrapa Forestry

Project leader: Ivar Wendling

Contact: ivar.wendling@embrapa.br