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Supporting sustainable forest management in the state of Mato Grosso

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Sustainable development of natural forests is an economic activity that ensures forest cover ismaintained, since it involves optimal forest management to create an economic return basedon preservation and development of the forest. This activity is recommended by internationalenvironmental specialists as a way to help maintain biodiversity, particularly in the Amazonregion. Management of natural forests is an extremely important source of revenue for thestate of Mato Grosso, and generates income as well as direct and indirect jobs. Even so, legaland technical challenges have negatively affected this productive activity. The main legalproblems involve inclusion of species with high economic value on threatened or vulnerablelists without supporting research, such as forest inventories. Two additional threats arearbitrary increases in clearcut diameter and increased numbers of parent trees that mustremain in the forest community. These legal decisions do not have a strong scientific basis. Thevarious limiting factors which have been established also include the decision to question thefactor used to convert raw wood into sawn wood. All these issues make it onerous andunstable to economically produce legal wood, which also involves labor spending, deadlines,quality, etc. This project is consequently intended to determine the growth standard for nativeforest species of economic interest in the state of Mato Grosso. Species growth in differentlocations will be compered, along with diameter and last harvest cycle, ideal remainingstructure, geographical distribution of species in the microregions studied, regeneration, forestremediation capacity, volume equations, processing yields, and norms and procedures forsustainable management. The studies will utilize dendrochronology, remeasure permanentresearch plots, and survey forest structure in the area.

Status: Completed Start date: Fri Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2017 Conclusion date: Tue Nov 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2021

Head Unit: Embrapa Forestry

Project leader: Evaldo Munoz Braz

Contact: evaldo.braz@embrapa.br