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Land-saving technologies 2021.

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Autoria: TELHADO, S. F. P. e; CAPDEVILLE, G. de

Resumo: The adoption of a considerable number of technologies on various fronts of the production process has allowed the production of high volumes, with high quality, in a sustainable manner in all aspects, in addition, it has allowed the protection of Brazilian forests both in agricultural properties as well as in native areas. The technological capacity to carry out territorial management, integrated pest and disease management, the use of integrated production systems that extend the life of soils, among other aspects, are the factors that guarantee the success of Brazilian agriculture. Therefore, with the information contained in this document, it is evident that, due to the adoption of technologies developed by Embrapa and partners, agriculture is guaranteed a Land-Saving effect in the most diverse chains of Brazilian agribusiness. The data presented herein are of great value, as they were obtained over decades, which bring robustness to the results disclosed in this document.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Livros

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