Types of Technology

Technologically-based asset: solutions related to biological collections or databases. For example: Gene banks, mostly with a focus on breeding and genetic improvement.
Methodology: solutions that offer a protocol or a set of step-by-step procedures to reach a result. For example: Exploratory method for indicators of adoption of improved varieties.
Agricultural practice: solutions that show ways to produce a given crop, or crop cultivation operations. For example: soil preparation, fertilization, prunning, pest control, disease control, among others.
Pre-product: products in initial stages of development, or findings that can be combined/incorporated to generate another solution. Ex.: Soybeans - Bradyrhizobium elkanii - Strain 29W (SEMIA 5019).
Process: solutions that offer procedures to obtain a given product, with special focus on agroindustries. For example: Production of Goat Curdled Cheese Incorporating Pequi Oil.
Service: Technologies Embrapa offers as services. They can be accessed in digital or physical environment.
Agricultural system: Solutions concerning agricultural production systems. Ex: BRS PLATINA Banana Production System

On this page, there is information on technological solutions for the Amazon Biome, developed by the nine Embrapa research centers operating in the region. They can be searched by city, region and/or product..

To browse via smartphone, install the app TecAmazônia (Android or IOS)

The list of products available refers to a survey and exploration of data obtained from IBGE's Automatic Recovery System (SIDRA), considering the occurrence (of agricultural products) in the Amazon Biome in the last 5 years (2014 - 2018).

The methodology adopted for the spatial association between technology and territory is available here.

This association between technologies and territories was based on the reality of local agriculture in the period assessed. However, given the dynamism of Brazilian agriculture, it is possible that the context changes and regions where given products did not use to be found start producing them. Hence some technological solutions show the information that they can all be applied in the entire biome.

Each technology includes the following information: type; details on application (name and description); the unit of the that developed it; where to find; publications and/or other types of information resources on their use, as well as apps and other information about their use in the region (observations).


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