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Development and Validation of Instruments and Information Technologies
The essence of precision agriculture resides in the analysis of spatial variability of production factors, especially that of the soil. This analysis' results, interpreted from the standpoint of economical gain and environmental benefits, should guide the use of resources in a localized form, with precision doses. For this purpose, many technologies are used, such as GPS, GIS, sensors, actuators, embedded systems, among others. In Brazil, the adoption of precision agriculture still is a small number, especially due to its traits such as geography, climate, and exclusive cultures. As part of the strategy used to increase this number, the hope is to use this project as a means to disclose some opportunities in the fields of development and adaptation of instruments and information technologies. The focus will be in lab and field equipment, sensors, methods, techniques of processing and analysis of images and data, in addition to computer programs and systems that deal with differentiated spatial management. Some will be new developments, while others are themes which have already been dealt with, but need to be validated and polished. The expected result, in addition to the instruments and information technology, is to establish the highest possible integration between acquired data, and use them as aid tools in the process of decision making regarding specific management.
Ecosystem: Amazonic, Extreme South, Atlantic Forest, Semi-mixed and seasonal forests, Mid-North, Pantanal, Caatinga Region and Mixed forests
Status: Completed Start date: Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2009 Conclusion date: Sat May 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014
Head Unit: Embrapa Instrumentation
Project leader: Joao de Mendonca Naime
Contact: joao.naime@embrapa.br