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Foreign mission discusses cassava project
From February 13 to February 16, Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits (Cruz das Almas, BA), a Unit of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation – Embrapa, under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, received representatives from the National Crops Resources Research Institute – NaCRRI, headquartered in Uganda, and from the Syngenta Foundation, hearquartered in Switzerland.
In the afternoon of the first day, the group was welcomed by the general head of the unit, Alberto Vilarinhos, by the deputy head of Technology Transfer, Aldo Vilar, and by the researchers Éder Oliveira, Saulo Oliveira, Márcio Porto and Alfredo Alves – the last two, from the International Affairs team (Núcleo de Relações Internacionais - NRI).
The purpose of the visit is to align the activities of the project "Development of a cassava stake production system (MandiPlus)", funded by the Syngenta Foundation. Created in 2012 and led by the researcher Éder Jorge de Oliveira, the project is currently cofunded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which intends to extend the use of the technologies to African countries. “The goal is to exchange experieces about the current advances of the MandiPlus project in the quick generation of cassava propagation material within an integrated cassava stem cutting production system with high plant health and genetic quality. The ideia is to exchange information and see how NaCCRI and Embrapa can advance in the topic”, stated Éder Oliveira.
On February 14, Anthony Pariyo, Gerald Adiga, Charles Liri and Titus Alicai showed cassava stake multiplication techniques used in Uganda, while the analyst Herminio Rocha, from Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits' Technology Transfer sector, on the 16th, offered information about the "Network for the multiplication and transfer of cassava propagation materials with plant health and genetic quality (Reniva)", coordinated by Embrapa.
In addition to the meetings with the board and with the Cassava Technical Team, their schedule included a technical visit to the Bahia State Cassava Starch Producers' Cooperative (Cooperativa dos Produtores de Amido de Mandioca do Estado da Bahia - Coopamido), located in the city limits of Laje, within the region known as Recôncavo Baiano, where there are experiments testing cassava hybrids with different starch contents for industrial production, as well as one of Reniva's multiplication fields. Klauser Dominik, a representantive of the Syngenta Foundation who is visiting the Embrapa Unit for the second time – the first was in November last year – has also followed the activities.
Translation: Mariana de Lima Medeiros
Léa Cunha (DRT-BA 1633)
Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits
Phone number: +55 75 3312-8076
Further information on the topic
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