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Embrapa Network on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy - Net-NIRS

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One of analytical techniques that enables precise chemical analyzes with speed, low cost and little sample manipulation is near-infrared spectroscopy - NIRS. The interest in NIR spectroscopy has grown remarkably and this technique has been recognized as a powerful tool for quantitative and qualitative analysis of chemical and physical parameters. Besides these features, the methodologies based on NIR spectroscopy have the following inherent properties: 1) allows simultaneous analysis of multiple parameters; 2) is a non-destructive and non-invasive technique; 3) has a high speed of information processing and quick delivery quantitative results; 4) consumes no environmentally harmful chemicals; 5) is less laborious and has relatively low cost when compared to others. In recent years, Embrapa bought along with various participants of this project 17 near-infrared equipments to be used in different chemical analyzes aiming to the development of rapid and inexpensive methods for analysis. For these characteristics, the use of NIR spectroscopy is an excellent option for Embrapa to validate the technique as a routine methodology in their laboratories for chemical analysis providing the performance of a greater number of parameters and analysis. In order to meet this emerging demand at Embrapa, the Network Net-NIRS proposes to establish a network of laboratories for the development of studies and construction of multivariate calibration models for different chemical parameters of tropical forage grasses, corn and soils using method of near-infrared spectroscopy.

Status: Completed Start date: Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011 Conclusion date: Mon Mar 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014

Head Unit: Embrapa Maize & Sorghum

Project leader: Maria Lucia Ferreira Simeone

Contact: marialucia.simeone@embrapa.br