Dry matter production and nutrient extraction by three successive crops fertilized with serpentinite rock as a soil remineralizer.

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Autoria: VIANA, J. H. M.; COELHO, A. M.; THOMAZINI, A.; CARVALHO, M. P. F. de; FRANÇA, A. C. F.; CLEMENTE, E. de P.

Resumo: The incorporation of new sources of fertilizers is important to of the food production security. The use of rock powders still needs investigation to address their agronomic efficiency and the safety for the users and for the consumers. This work aimed to study the dry matter production and the nutrient extraction after three consecutive crops, in two soils fertilized with serpentinite rock powder. The experiment was carried in a greenhouse, with three sequential crops, with seven treatments, two soils and four replications. After 40 days of growth, the whole plants were harvested and sent to measure the dry weight and for the chemical analyses. The use of the serpentinite did not increase the total dry matter biomass weight, compared to the fertilized controls. The magnesium extraction was not different between the control treatment with dolomitic limestone and the serpentinite treatment at higher dose for the clayed soil, indicating that the serpentinite was able to supply the magnesium for the plants in the experimental condition, and also a significant dose related effect suggests that the magnesium from the powder has been released. The use of the serpentinite also increased the extraction of other nutrients, like calcium, phosphorus, zinc and iron.

Ano de publicação: 2024

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico