The Mixed Research and Innovation Units (UMiPIs, from the acronym in Portuguese) are a model of cooperation between institutions that allows skills to be combined and the synergistic sharing of infrastructure, human resources, and funds, in order to achieve common goals that would not be met otherwise.They are collaborative research environments where researchers and technicians from Embrapa share facilities with professionals from other national and international institutions.

Such sharing and exchange can take place either at Embrapa's facilities, when the corporation hosts external partners from other institutions, or in other institutions, when they welcome Embrapa researchers.

The UMiPIs allow Embrapa and partners to improve their knowledge base without the need for major investments in infrastructure and staff, expanding the capacity to develop technology and solutions. In addition, they strengthen medium and long-term partnerships among the members of the National Agricultural Research System (SNPA), making Embrapa a protagonist in such innovation ecosystem.

Learn more about the UMiPs:

1) UMiP GenClima

The Mixed Unit for Research in Genomics Applied to Climate Change (GenClima) is the fruit of a partnership between Embrapa and the State University of Campinas (Unicamp).

Inaugurated in December 2012, its goal is to create a pipeline of gene discovery and validation through transgenics, aiming at the production of varieties that are more adapted to environmental conditions that have been exacerbated by climate change.

GenClima is managed by a general coordinator appointed by Unicamp and by a council composed of Embrapa researchers and Unicamp lecturers.

One of the largest results from this partnership was the establishment of the Genomics for Climate Change Research Center - GCCRC.

Conceived with the support of the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (Fapesp), GCCRC's mission is to develop biotechnological solutions with the use of genomics, genetics and molecular biology techniques for the adaptation of agricultural crops to high temperatures and water scarcity.

2) UMIPTT - Southwest Paraná

The Mixed Research and Technology Transfer Unit (UMIPTT) in Paraná state was born from a technical cooperation agreement between Embrapa, the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) and the Paraná Agronomic Institute (Iapar).

Based on an innovative institutional arrangement model, and with operations in research and technology transfer, the UMIPTT is headquartered at the UTFPR campus in the city of Francisco Beltrão, Paraná.

The Unit's attributions include liaison and identification of demands in the region and the elaboration of technological solutions in partnership with the other Embrapa research centers in the country. The UMIPTT was designed to benefit 42 cities in Southwestern Paraná and promote economic and social development for family farming.

In addition to strengthening the dairy, fruit and vegetable production chains, and adding value through agroindustries, the professionals at the UMIPTT also work on issues related to rural youth and succession in family farming.

3) UMIPTT - Balsas, Maranhão

The Mixed Research and Technology Transfer Unit (UMIPTT) in Balsas, Maranhão, is a partnership between Embrapa, the State University of Maranhão (UEMA) and the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Maranhão (IFMA) and counts on professionals from the three institutions.

It is set in a strategic place to benefit towns in the South of Maranhão and Piauí states and in Northern Tocantins, and it can  strengthen local production arrangements and foster the development of agriculture in such regions.

UMIPTT was designed to host studies in several areas of agriculture, ranging from small and mid-sized to large farming businesses. Besides soybeans, which is the main local agricultural product, there is growth potential for maize (especially off season) and cotton crops, on top of the challenges for the production of upland rice, cowpeas and cassava. There are also other demands, such as best practices in management, zoning and territorial intelligence, and environmental certification, information on climate risk, among others.

4) UMIP Automation

Located in São Carlos, the countryside of São Paulo state, the Mixed Unit for Research in Automation for Agricultural Sustainability combines the skills and resources of Embrapa, the University of São Paulo (USP) and the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar).

The National Reference Laboratory of Precision Agriculture (Lanapre) is part of this UMIP and already conducts work by Embrapa Instrumentation and Embrapa Southeastern Livestock in partnership with these universities.

The main goal of this UMIP is to define, plan, coordinate and implement research and development activities on integrated agricultural automation systems, Internet of things (IoT) applications, development and validation of sensors, management and recommendation systems, big data, automation of discrete input application and of herd management, and agricultural instrumentation.

The technical cooperation activities have been divided in four macro-areas: sensors; unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and image processing; big data/Internet of things (IoT); an inputs.

5) UMIPTT - Citrus Belt

In order to help to tackle the bacterial disease huanglongbing (also known as HLB or citrus greening), the main threat to the sustainability of the citrus chain in Brazil, and other pests and diseases that can enter the Brazilian territory, Embrapa, the Citrus Farming Defense Fund (Fundecitrus) and the Foundation of Agroindustrial Research of Bebedouro (Fupab) created the Mixed Unit of Research and Technology Transfer (UMIPTT) - Citrus Belt, headquartered in the cities of Araraquara and Bebedouro, a citrus farming region in São Paulo state..

Embrapa Cassava and Fruits (BA) and Embrapa Instrumentation (SP) participate in this UMIPTT. 

The Unit was designed to work in the citrus belt in São Paulo state, in Triângulo Mineiro in Minas Gerais, and in Northwestern Paraná, with emphasis on HLB management. Its attributions include the development of sustainable solutions with cutting-edge technologies for the challenges of the national citrus production, contributing to its competitiveness. It also promotes training for technicians, farmers and students.

6) UMIPI - Cocoa

The Mixed Research and Innovation Unit on cocoa farming (UMIPI Cocoa) is the result of a partnership between Embrapa and the Executive Commission for Cocoa Crop Planning (Ceplac), and aims at planning, coordinating and implementing a portfolio comprising research, development and innovation programs, projeccts and activities for cocoa crop sustainability.

UMIPI will be based in facilities conceded by Ceplac at the Cocoa Research Center, Km 22 of the Ilhéus–Itabuna Highway. Other studies will be conducted at Ceplac's Research Center (Cepec/Ceplac), and at Arnaldo Medeiros Molecular Plant Pathology Lab and Experimental Station (Esarm) in Ilhéus, Bahia; at the José Haroldo Genetic Resources Station (ERJOH) and Tissue Culture Lab in Marituba, Pará; at the Paulo Morelli Experimental Station (Espam), in Medicilândia, Pará; and at the Ouro Preto do Oeste Experimental Station (Eseop), in Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia.

The following Embrapa Units are initially involved: Embrapa Cassava and FruitsEmbrapa Eastern AmazonEmbrapa Rondônia and Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology.

The Technical Cooperation Agreement instituting UMIPI Cocoa was signed on November 16, 2020, and to be implemented in 2021.


7) UMIPI - West Paraná

In April 2023, with the goal of structuring and implementing a shared collaborative environment for RD&I in the western portion of the Paraná state, Embrapa, the Scientific and Technological Park for the Biosciences Ltd ( Biopark)  and the the Biopark Learning, Research and Extension Association (Biopark Education) signed the act to set up the Mixed Research and Innovation Unit (UMIPI) for West Paraná.

UMIPI West Paraná focuses on the generation of knowledge and technological solutions to especially boost the pig, poultry and fish production chains.

The unit is located within the Biopark Technological Park, facilitating the activities of member institutions with incubated startups or previously consolidated companies, towards the development of technological assets or pre-assets to be potentially adopted by the poultry, pork or fish production chains, for the sake of higher sustainability and competitiveness.

The initiative of having a branch of the institution in the city came from Embrapa Swine and Poultry (in Concórdia, Santa Catarina) and was motivated by the concentration of farmers and slaughterhouses in the western region of Paraná. Embrapa Fisheries and Aquaculture is also part of the enterprise, considering the productivity of the nearby fish chain.



The Unit that was first launched in Salvador, Bahia, on May 17, 2024, is composed by Embrapa and by Senai's Integrated Manufacturing and Technology Center (SENAI CIMATEC). Through the partnership, the two institutions will share computing infrastructure and teams to develop digital solutions aimed at the agricultural sector in areas like artificial intelligence, robotics, precision agriculture, internet of things, photonics and traceability.

In addition to a campus in Salvador that specializes in developing research and innovations for industry, SENAI CIMATEC has a 4 million-m² technology park in the Camaçari Industrial Complex, the SENAI CIMATEC Park, which includes production scaling, large-scale tests and development of full-scale prototypes. In 2024, the SENAI CIMATEC Sertão campus was launched with the aim of developing technologies to boost social, economic and environmental progress in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil.

Embrapa participates in the partnership through two of its research centers: Embrapa Digital Agriculture (Campinas, SP) and Embrapa Instrumentation (São Carlos,SP).