Beata Emoke Madari

Pesquisadora Embrapa Arroz e Feijão


Currículo Lattes

Chefia Adjunta: Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento

Setor: Grupo de Manejo de Sist

Data de Contratação: 06/05/2002

Matrícula: 306484


Beata Madari is agronomist (1994) with Ph.D. (1999) in Agronomy with focus on Soil Science from Szent István University, Gödöllö, Hungary and with sandwich studies at the School of Agronomy at Purdue University, Indiana, USA. She worked as research scientist at the National Soil Research Center (2002-2005) of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). Since 2005 she is research scientist at the Embrapa National Research Center for Rice and Bean. She was leader of Embrapa's Research Network (Fluxus Project) on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Grains Crop Production Systems (2012-2017) and is presently member (2019 - ) and executive secretary (2023- ) of Embrapa's committee for the management of research projects in climate change. She was visiting scientist at EcoSols (Ecologie fonctionnelle biogéochimie des sols des agro-systèmes) Mixed Research Unit in Montpellier, France (IRD 2016-2019). Accordingly, she has experience in carbon and nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, particularly on tropical acid soils under annual crops, but also in integrated crop-livestock-forestry, on soil carbon sequestration, GHG emissions (mainly N2O and more recently CH4 and CO2 eddy covariance) and carbon balance. She has knowledge on soil carbon dynamics and physical and chemical fractionation of soil organic matter. She has also contributed to the IPCC on HWP, Wetlands and Soil N2O and to the UN Global Compact Initiative (unglobalcompactorg). She is member of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the 4 per 1000 Initiative - Soils for Food Security and Climate since 2016 and was member of FAO's Livestock Environmental Assessment Partnership's technical advisory group on soil organic carbon stock change (2016-2018). She is coordinator of the Brazilian Chapter of the International Humic Substances Society (2023-) and member of the Scientific Advisory Panel of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition of the United Nations Environment Programme (2024-). She is author or co-author of about 80 research articles (H ISI = 29, H Scopus = 31).,, Web of Science ResearcherID: A-1188-2013

Formação Acadêmica

1989 - 1994

Graduação em Agronomia

Gödöllö Universidade de Ciências Agrícolas

Título: Community structure parameters of Diplopoda in the vicinity of Gödöllö, Hungary

Ano de obtenção: 1994

Orientador: Dr. István Kiss

1989 - 1994

Graduação em Tradução Técnica Em Idioma Inglês

Gödöllö Universidade de Ciências Agrícolas

Título: Tradução de artigo científico técnico.

Ano de obtenção: 1994

Orientador: Margit Kiss

1994 - 1999

Doutorado em Agronomy

Purdue University

Título: The effect of tillage on the nature and properties of humic substances

Ano de obtenção: 1999

Orientador: Profa Dra Erika Michéli

1994 - 1998

Doutorado em Agronomy

Szent István University

Título: The effect of tillage on the nature and properties of humic substances

Ano de obtenção: 1998

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Erika Micheli e Prof. Dr. Cliff T. Johnston

2017 - 2018

Pós-Doutorado em

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

Ano de obtenção: 2018

Áreas de Conhecimento

  1. Grande área: Ciências Agrárias / Área: Agronomia / Subárea: Ci?ncia do Solo / Especialidade: Materia Organica do Solo
  2. Grande área: Ciências Agrárias / Área: Agronomia / Subárea: Ci?ncia do Solo / Especialidade: Manejo e Conserva??o do Solo
  3. Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra / Área: Qu?mica / Subárea: Qu?mica Anal?tica / Especialidade: Espectroscopia
  4. Grande área: Ciências Agrárias / Área: Agronomia / Subárea: Sistemas de Produ??
  5. Grande área: Ciências Agrárias / Área: Agronomia / Subárea: Ci?ncia do Solo / Especialidade: Fertilidade do Solo e Aduba??
  6. Grande área: Ciências Agrárias / Área: Agronomia / Subárea: Ci?ncia do Solo / Especialidade: Mudan?a Global do Clima
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