Embrapa conserves important microorganisms for agriculture
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Embrapa conserves important microorganisms for agriculture
Embrapa invests in the conservation of native strains of microorganisms, which can be used by the scientific community in several research programs, ranging from diagnosis, treatment of diseases and production of vaccines for human and animal application to reducing the environmental impact of Productive processes and the generation of renewable energy.
In this perspective, microbial cultures are being continuously studied for the formation of a database of "active" components and their respective biological activities, in order to transform this microbial collection into more exploited resources.
For example, the use of nitrogen fixers, insecticides, fungicides and biological herbicides, bioremediation agents and plant growth promoters produced by microorganisms are tools that can meet the demands for higher yields of agricultural crops, at the same time reducing the release of products Chemicals in the environment.
The proper conservation of these microorganisms is what will guarantee this genetic material for application studies in agribusiness and related productive sectors.
The collections of microorganisms maintain species with potential for the biological control of pests, diseases and insects vectors of diseases; Multifunctional; Phytopathogenic diseases capable of causing diseases in different cultures of economic importance and that, therefore, can be used in programs of genetic improvement of plants for selection of resistant varieties; And of interest to agroindustry and animal production.
In this perspective, microbial cultures are being continuously studied for the formation of a database of "active" components and their respective biological activities, in order to transform this microbial collection into more exploited resources.
For example, the use of nitrogen fixers, insecticides, fungicides and biological herbicides, bioremediation agents and plant growth promoters produced by microorganisms are tools that can meet the demands for higher yields of agricultural crops, at the same time reducing the release of products Chemicals in the environment.
The proper conservation of these microorganisms is what will guarantee this genetic material for application studies in agribusiness and related productive sectors.
The collections of microorganisms maintain species with potential for the biological control of pests, diseases and insects vectors of diseases; Multifunctional; Phytopathogenic diseases capable of causing diseases in different cultures of economic importance and that, therefore, can be used in programs of genetic improvement of plants for selection of resistant varieties; And of interest to agroindustry and animal production.
Ecosystem: Amazonic, Atlantic Forest, Semi-mixed and seasonal forests, Mid-North, Pantanal, Caatinga Region and Mixed forests, Cerrados Region
Status: Completed Start date: Wed Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2008 Conclusion date: Sun Sep 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012
Head Unit: Embrapa Genetic Resources & Biotechnology
Project leader: Sueli Correa Marques de Mello
Contact: sueli.mello@embrapa.br
Keywords: Banco de microrganismos, Caracterização, Conservação