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Soil and weather zoning for agriculture in the state of Paraíba

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This project aims to perform the soil and weather zoning potential for corn, sorgum, sugar cane and pineapple in the area under the influence of the Canal das Vertentesl, in the to 1:50.000 scale, searching for the rational use of the natural resources and the agricultural development of the region with sustainability criteria. In 2019 the project was extended, with new areas under influence of the east axis of the transposition of the waters of the São Francisco River, this will be the second phase of the stage II of the ZON-PB. The project will benefitt 21 cities of the Borborema and Agreste Paraibano, with an area of 7.500 km2, searching the empowement of public policies dedicated to the produçtion of forage and fruits, aiming the use of the hydric resources available on the east axis of the waters transpositiono of the São Francisco river. THis will allow the exploration of the water based agriculture and the local development..

Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 Conclusion date: Mon Nov 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2020

Head Unit: Embrapa Soils

Project leader: Andre Julio do Amaral

Contact: andre.amaral@embrapa.br