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Resumo: The 5th International Symposium on Tropical Wines - ISTW 2016 was held in the Senac's auditorium in Petrolina city, from October 19th to 21st 2016, in the main tropical wine producing region in Brazil located in the São Francisco Valley. In this region, the tropical semiarid climate allows to obtain grapes and wines all over the year.The period, just before the 39th OIV Congress in Brazil, was an opportunity to bring people to this region to known the development of this particular tropical wine producing region. Embrapa would like to thank to our traditional international partners of ISTW 2016 ? UNESCO Chair "Culture and Traditions of Wine", University of Burgundy and GiESCO - Group of International Experts of Vitivinicultural Systems for Cooperation. We would like also thanks to our Brazilian supporters ? Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB, Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply - MAPA, Senac, Facepe, IF Sertão Pernambucano, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior ? Capes, Valexport, Instituto do Vinho do Vale do Vale do São Francisco - VinhoVasf, ADDiper as well the Organization Committee and the Scientific Committee of the symposium. The effort of all our partners and organizers make it possible to concretize the ISTW 2016. The ISTW 2016 had 130 participants from eight countries: Australia, Brazil, France, Indonesia, Portugal, Thailand, United States of America and Venezuela. Many tropical vitivinicultural topics were presented in the ISTW 2016: Tropical and arid climates in wine producing regions; Geology and soil effects on vine, grapes and wines; Vine management in vegetative cycles in the course of the year; Irrigation; Pests and diseases; Geographical indications for tropical wines; Vitivinicultural zoning; Adaptation of varieties and rootstocks; Viticultural landscapes, environmental sustainability and biodiversity; Tropical winemaking technologies; Chemical composition of tropical wines; Sensory characteristics of tropical wines; Markets and strategies to promote tropical wines worldwide; and, Agroindustrial waste treatment. These proceedings published the summary of all presentations of the ISTW 2016, including 19 keynote lectures, 9 oral presentation and 26 poster presentation.

Ano de publicação: 2017