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BRS Conquista is a banana cultivar that is resistant to black sigatoka, Panama disease and yellow sigatoka, and that is tolerant to nematodes. It has high productivity and can reach 48 tons per he


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2009     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Western Amazon

One of the main characteristics of BRS Pacovan Ken is its resistance to black Sigatoka, yellow Sigatoka and Fusarium wilt (Panama disease), the main diseases of banana crops, resulting in more sus


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2009     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits

One of the main characteristics of BRS Vitória is its resistance to black Sigatoka, yellow Sigatoka and Fusarium wilt (Panama disease). The cultivar has good tillering, good development and produc


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2005     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits

The app is an electronic agenda that builds an agricultural calendar with all the management activities recommended for banana and guarana crops. It facilitates the chronological management of cro


Product: Software     Launch year: 2023     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Western Amazon

The Compression and Rotation Sprout Harvester is a simple and fitting tool use to eliminate unwanted sprouts from banana clumps.

The equipment is light and ergonomic depe


Product: Machinery, implement, equipment     Launch year: 2014     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Western Amazon

*Content only available in Portuguese

Sistema de Produção com um conjunto de práticas agropecuárias para cultivo de bananeira no estado do Amazonas, tais como, tipo de clima, escolha da área para plantio, solo, cultivares, produção e


Agricultural System: Cultivation system     Launch year: 2009     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Western Amazon