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This project consists of the implementation and monitoring of an Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forest (ICLF) system on sustainable bases, with a focus on the assessment of sustainability indicators such as the indicators of improved physical and chemical soil quality; assessment of microbial biomass; and enzyme activity and microbial biodiversity. Hydrological variables and parameters will also be investigated. Status: Completed Start date: 01/09/2011 |
The state of Pará is the largest northern producer of rice, corn and caupi beans, and the second largest soy producer. These species are cultivated in all the macro-regions of the state, where the Research and Technology Transfer Support Centers (NAPTs) of the Oriental Amazon are located. Based on this structure, this project aims to propose a strategy for the disclosure and transference of cultivars that are adequate to the region's producers' socio-economic and environmental conditions, throug ... Status: Completed Start date: 01/09/2007 |
The intense world demand for food together with environmental issues related to the sustainable use of natural resources draw a picture of search for the maximum efficiency in agricultural productivity, which involves greater efficiency in monitoring crop areas. Analytical tools capable of encompassing sample variation and territorial reach demand high costs for their operation and for the replication of results. Remote sensing has proved a very efficient tool for mapping/monitoring agricultu ...Status: Completed Start date: 01/09/2011 |
This project has developed approaches of analysis, categorization and disclosure of information regarding agricultural development in centers with expressive production of soy and sugarcane, and with focus on their relationship between land use and occupation dynamics, agricultural practices and other environmental and socio-economic variables. In the agro-environmental sense, the analysis and mapping were focused in processes of agricultural development, highlighting the importance of the secon Status: Completed Start date: 01/04/2009 |
Using the data declared by the farmers in the Brazilian Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) maintained by the Brazilian Forest System, this project intends to analyze areas destined for the preservation of native vegetation in rural properties, and legally assigned areas. This analysis is focused on a delimited territory (the State of Rondônia) and performed at increasing, successive levels, city > microregion > and the state of Rondônia, as requested by the Soybean Producers Association in Rondô ... Status: Completed Start date: 01/09/2019 |
Soy is one of the main commodities in national agricultural production, with Brazil being the world's largest producer, with a production of 135.4 million tons, productivity 3,517 kg/ha. With a planted area of 38.5 million hectares, it is still the world's largest exporter of the grain. Among the main producing states, Mato Grosso stands out as the largest Brazilian producer of soy, with production of 35.9 million tons, planted area of 10,374,861 hectares and productivity of 3492 kg/ha. The Status: Completed Start date: 01/06/2022 |
The project QUALIMICRO - Implementation and Monitoring of Quality Systems in Embrapa's Microbial Collections aims to implement the corporate quality requirements in 21 collections of microorganisms from 18 research units of the Company located in several Brazilian states. The Project will guarantee the quality in the management of these collections and make them able to meet the requirements of the national and international market. Status: Completed Start date: 01/01/2016 |