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The project aimed to assess the forms of land use and forest degradation processes in the Amazon, by reconstructing the history of degradation in three municipalities (Paragominas and Santarém – PA and Feliz Natal – MT). In these municipalities, the socio-environmental aspects of forest degradation, related to changes in land use and coverage, were analyzed (pasture, agriculture, secondary use, logging, etc.), along with data produced by research partner networks and the vast literature already ... Status: Completed Start date: 01/12/2013 |
Psyllids are small sap sucking insects with generally very narrow host plant ranges. Some of them are pests that cause major economic losses in agriculture, on ornamental plants and in forestry. They damage the plants by directly removing large quantities of sap or by the transmitting diseases. The chemical control of red gum lerp psyllids in eucalypt plantations in Brazil, for instance, costs millions of reais per year due to intensive use of insecticides. Another example is the transmission of Status: Completed Start date: 01/03/2013 |
Ecological alternatives may contribute to the attainment of sustainability of productive family units through the balanced use of natural resources in the Amazon. Among these viable alternatives, stand out in the Amazon the initiatives of land preparation without the use of fire, such as the Tipitamba Project, the Roça without Fires Project, Agroforest Systems and agroecological alternatives practiced by the region's farmers. The availability of knowledge and practices through the training of en ... Status: Completed Start date: 01/03/2011 |