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Embrapa Units

There is currently a strong interest to comprehend, evaluate and minimize anthropic impacts on hydric resources. It has been particularly studied the effect of removing native vegetal covering over water availability and quality. In order to estimate the effects of changing vegetal covering over hydric resources, hydrologic modeling becomes an adequate tool. However, hydrologic models need great amounts of information, which in most times are unavailable. On the other hand, data obtained through

Status: Completed     Start date: Wed Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2010

The Red Sindhi breed is an important genetic resource to be preserved and used in tropical conditions. Some studies have shown small effective population size and high coefficient of inbreeding. These aspects show increased risks of loss of genetic diversity, impairing possible genetic gains to be achieved with selection, and even increasing the risk of future extinction of the breed. The following partner institutions worked on the project: Embrapa Dairy Cattle, Embrapa Tropical Semi-Arid, Emep

Status: Completed     Start date: Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012

This project's goal is to keep in situ conservation Centers for large size species and continue the base activities of collection, conservation, characterization and interchange of germoplasm, run under the coordination of Oriental Amazon Embrapa in partnership with: four other Embrapa Units (Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, Mid North, Pantanal and Roraima), universities (UEMA, UNB, UPIS, UFG, UFPA and UFRA), State Research Firms (EPAGRI), breeders' organizations (Brazilian Associati

Status: Completed     Start date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2009

Grapevine production is widespread areas with distinct climate conditions throughout the world. Adaptation to local environmental conditions results from evolutionary processes leading to functional and structural changes to maximize plant performance. Plant adaptation consists in a complex network of environmental sensing and interpretation processes coupled with endogenous environmental mechanisms to control development and generate the phenotypic plasticity required adapt growth and developme

Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011

Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Jul 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014

One of the largest livestock problems in Southern Brazil has been the scantiness of varieties of forage species more adapted to this region. In addition, due to global warming and the demand for increased productivity with reduced use of inputs, there is a need of studies on germplasm tolerance to abiotic stresses such as drought, and the evaluation of symbiotic organisms to promote biological nitrogen fixation in grasses. Thus, this project aimed to develop improved populations of some of the m

Status: Completed     Start date: Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012

Data from 2006 the Agricultural Census indicate that the area of cultivated pasture in Brazil corresponds to about 106 million hectares. Since Brazilian cattle farming predominantly takes place in pastures, their degradation can represent economic and environmental damages for the sector. The process of pasture degradation is a complex phenomenon, which involves causes and consequences that lead to the gradual reduction of the pasture's support capacity. In order to adjust to the new environment

Status: Completed     Start date: Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011