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Autoria: PINHEIRO, E. F. M.; SANTOS, C. de A.; SILVA, S. N. da; ALVES, B. J. R.; CAMPOS, D. V. B. de; CEDDIA, M. B. A nitrificação e a desnitrificação são os processos que dão origem às emissões de óxido nitroso (N2O) do solo à atmosfera, sendo ambos os processos dependentes da disponibilidade de oxigênio, porém em... ... |
Autoria: AQUINO, I. O. de; DICK, D. P.; COSTA, F. de S. The impact of No-till on the soil C content in comparison to Conventional Tillage (CT) depends greatly on the soil type, climate and initial C content. The main goal of this work was to investigate th... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, F. de S.; KLEIN, M. A.; BRITO, E. S.; CAMPOS FILHO, M. D.; LAMBERTUCCI, D. M.; DICK, D. P.; AQUINO, I. O. de; TAVELLA, L. B. Soil conservation management (SCM) system with no-till (NT), cover crop sandcash crops in rotation and/or succession, limestone and fertilizers can recover and/or maintain soil quality in terms of its... ... |
Autoria: LEAL, O. A.; DICK, D. P.; COSTA, F. de S.; KNICKER, H.; CARVALHO JÚNIOR, J. A. de; SANTOS, J. C. The aim of this study was to investigate impacts of Amazon Forest (AF) fire and conversion to pasture on carbon accumulation in particle size fractions and organic matter (OM) composition of an Acriso... ... |
Autoria: MEDEIROS, A. de S.; GONZAGA, B. M.; SILVA, T. S. da; BARRETO, B. de S.; SANTOS, T. C. dos; MELO, P. L. A. de; GOMES, T. C. de A.; MAIA, S. M. F. The Brazilian semi-arid region has currently approximately 33.3 million hectares occupied by agriculture, and the inadequate land use and management practices are still predominant, which have been as... ... |
Autoria: TRAJANO, S. R. R. da S.; OLIVEIRA, B. P. de; CHAVES, I. de B.; LIMA, E. R. V. de; ALVES, J. J. A. This work aims at generating georeferred maps of the main landscape elements from the geoenvironmental mapping of the Camará hydrographic basin. The map was generated from the interpretation and digit... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, N. G. N. dos; OLSZEVSKI, N.; SALVIANO, A. M.; CUNHA, T. J. F.; GIONGO, V.; PEREIRA, J. S. Soils attributes such as granulometry and density determine the distribution of pore size and condition physical and differentiated hydraulic behavior. Thus, knowing the characteristics of the soils a... ... |
Autoria: SOARES, R.; CAMPOS, D. V. B. de; MADARI, B. E.; MACHADO, P. L. O. de A.; MADDOCK, J. E. L. The Amazon Region has archaeological soils called Amazonian Dark Earths (Terras Pretas de Indio) which are very efficient in retaining a large amount of highly stable organic matter when compared to t... ... |
Autoria: CALDAS, A. M.; ROLIM NETO, F. C.; PARAHYBA, R. da B. V.; CORRÊA, M. M.; RODRIGUES, A. de C. F. In the Prata watershed there are units corresponding to the Pleistocene Terraces and the Fluvium-Lagoon Sediments. This watershed is inserted almost entirely in the area of plateaus (Tabuleiros) with... ... |
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