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Autoria: INAMASU, R. Y.; NAIME, J. M.; FRAGALLE, E. P.; QUEIROS, L. R.; RESENDE, A. V.; VILELA, M. F.; BASSOI, L. H.; PEREZ, N. B.; BERNARDI, A. C. C. The adoption of adequate technologies for food, biomass and fiber production can increase yield and quality and also reduce environmental impact through an efficient input application. Precision agric... ... |
Autoria: MANTOVANI, E. C.; MAGDALENA, C. Abordaje y herramientas para el diagnóstico de áreas de producción; Integración de informaciones y toma de decisiones; Implementación de la agricultura de precisión. |
Autoria: BORGHI, E.; AVANZI, J. C.; BORTOLON, L.; LUCHIARI JUNIOR, A.; BORTOLON, E. S. O. Precision agriculture (PA) is growing considerably in Brazil. However, there is a lack of information regarding to PA adoption and use in the country. This study sought to: (i) investigate the percept... ... |
Autoria: CHERUBIN, M. R.; DAMIAN, J. M.; TAVARES, T. R.; TREVISAN, R. G.; COLAÇO, A. F.; EITELWEIN, M. T.; MARTELLO, M.; INAMASU, R. Y.; PIAS, O. H. C.; MOLIN, J. P. Precision agriculture (PA) stands out as an innovative way to manage production resources, increasing the efficiency and the socioeconomic and environmental sustainability of agricultural systems. In... ... |
Autoria: KRUG, E. T. S.; GOMES, G. J.; SOUZA, E. G. de; GEBLER, L.; SOBJAK, R.; BAZZI, C. L. ABSTRACT: The study aimed to identify and evaluate the spatial variability in laminar erosion in areas using precision agriculture tools. Soil data from three properties in the western region of Paran... ... |
Autoria: SPERANZA, E. A.; CIFERRI, R. R.; CIFERRI, C. D. de A. Abstract. This paper describes an experiment performed using different approaches for spatial data clustering, aiming to assist the delineation of management classes in Precision Agriculture (PA). The... ... |
Autoria: FILIPPINI ALBA, J. M.; FLORES, C. A.; BERNARDI, A. C. de C. Precision agriculture (PA) is advancing in Brazil concerning several crops, mainly for medium to large-sized farms, occasionally evolving towards automation and digital agriculture. Soil knowledge is... ... |
Autoria: GREGO, C. R.; SPERANZA, E. A.; RODRIGUES, G. C.; LUCHIARI JÚNIOR, A.; VENDRUSCULO, L. G.; RODRIGUES, C. A. G.; INAMASU, R. Y.; VAZ, C. M. P.; RABELLO, L. M.; JORGE, L. A. de C.; ZOLIN, C. A.; FRANCHINI, J. C.; RONQUIM, C. C. Introduction. Collecting, storing, and analyzing data in PA. Identification of soil spatial variability: Soil sampling; Electrical conductivity. Identification of crop spatial variability: Productivit... ... |
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