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Autoria: CECHIM JÚNIOR, C.; ANTUNES, J. F. G.; JOHANN, J. A.; ESQUERDO, J. C. D. M. The main land use and land cover (LULC) changes that a given area passes over the time can be evaluated by using spatial-temporal analysis of satellites images. Then, it is possible to identify the LU... ... |
Autoria: BELLÓN, B.; BEGUÉ, A.; LO SEEN, D.; ALMEIDA, C. A. de; SIMÕES, M. In response to the need for generic remote sensing tools to support large-scale agricultural monitoring, we present a new approach for regional-scale mapping of agricultural land-use systems (ALUS) ba... ... |
Autoria: BOLFE, E. L.; PARREIRAS, T. C.; SILVA, L. A. P. da; SANO, E. E.; BETTIOL, G. M.; VICTORIA, D. de C.; DEL'ARCO SANCHES, I.; VICENTE, L. E. Agricultural intensification practices have been adopted in the Brazilian savanna (Cerrado), mainly in the transition between Cerrado and the Amazon Forest, to increase productivity while reducing pre... ... |
Autoria: DOU, Y.; SILVA, R. F. B. da; BATISTELLA, M.; TORRES, S.; MORAN, E.; LIU, J. ABSTRACT. Agricultural trade and climate change have altered land cover and land use worldwide. For example, the recent growth of international soybean demand has been associated with 1.3 Mha primary... ... |
Autoria: PRADO, R. B.; BENITES, V. de M.; POLIDORO, J. C.; NAUMOV, A.; MENEZES, C. C. E. de; FERREIRA, C. E. G.
Autoria: SOUZA, M. M. L.; VILELA, M. de F.; CHAIB FILHO, H.
Autoria: GEBLER, L.; LONGO, D. R.; BAZZI, C. L. O crescimento da necessidade de alimentos, a escassez de água, a maior preocupação com o ambiente e a busca pelo aumento da lucratividade são fatores que têm estimulado a adoção de técnicas otimizadas... ... |
Autoria: DOMPIERI, M. H. G.; COUTINHO, P. A. Q.; SILVA, M. A. S. da This study aimed to manipulate databases from the Landsat-8 project to select orbital scenes with minimal cloud coverage aligned with the growth periods of cotton, corn, and soybean crops in the Cerra... ... |
Autoria: SANCHES, I. D.; FEITOSA, R. Q.; ACHANCCARAY, P.; MONTIBELLER, B.; LUIZ, A. J. B.; SOARES, M. D.; PRUDENTE, V. H. R.; VIEIRA, D. C.; MAURANO, L. E. P. Abstract: The monitoring of agricultural activities at a regular basis is crucial to assure that the food production meets the world population demands, which is increasing yearly. Such information ca... ... |
Autoria: BARBOSA NETO, M. V.; ARAÚJO, M. do S. B. de; ARAUJO FILHO, J. C. de; SILVA, C. B. da; SAMPAIO, E. V. de S. B. Information on soil fertility is essential to determine the need for correcting measures. However, the use of appropriate techniques to provide information on the specific potential of each soil in ma... ... |
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