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Autoria: RODRIGUES, G. S.; BUSCHINELLI, C. C. de A.; AVILA, A. F. D. An environmental impact assessment system for agricultural R&D? has been implemented by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Agency (Embrapa) aiming at fulfilling the institutional mission statement of... ... |
Autoria: BLANCO-GUTIÉRREZ, I.; MANNERS, R.; VARELA-ORTEGA, C.; TARQUIS, A. M.; MARTORANO, L. G.; TOLEDO, M. The Amazon basin is the world's largest rainforest and the most biologically diverse place on Earth. Despite the critical importance of this region, Amazon forests continue inexorably to be degraded a... ... |
Autoria: TOMICH, T. P.; CATTANEO, A.; CHATER, S.; GEIST, H. J.; GOCKOWSKI, J.; KAIMOWITZ, D.; LAMBIN, E. F.; LEWIS, J.; NDOYE, O.; PALM, C. A.; STOLLE, F.; SUNDERLIN, W. D.; VALENTIM, J. F.; NOORDWIJK, M. van; VOSTI, S. A. This volume so far has presented numerous issues, opportunities, and concerns from specific national and thematic perspectives on tropical forests and deforestation. This chapter attempts to pull thes... ... |
Autoria: GODOY, E. P.; SAKAI, R. M. R.; SOUZA, R. V.; PORTO, A. J. V.; INAMASU, R. Y.
Autoria: CARON, P.; CRAUFURD, P.; MARTIN, A.; MCDONALD, A.; ABEDINI, W.; AFIFF, S.; BAKURIN, N.; BASS, S.; HILBECK, A.; JANSEN, T.; LHALOUI, S.; LOCK, K.; PRIMAVESI, O.; SENGOOBA, T. Assessment and analysis of AKST impacts; Agriculture productivity, production factors and consumption; impacts of akst on sustainability, through integrated technologies and the delivery of ecosystem... ... |
Autoria: TEIXEIRA, L. P.; BELCHIOR, E. B.; SOUSA, T. C. R. de; MOREIRA, J. M. M. A. P. Resumo: O estudo procura avaliar as transformações estruturais na agropecuária de Goiás na última década, destacando a elevada concentração do uso da terra e sua sensível piora entre 1996 e 2006. Em 2... ... |
Autoria: FERRÉ, M.; BLUNDO-CANTO, G.; RODRIGUES, G. S.; RAMÍREZ-GÓMEZ, M.; VEDOVOTO, G. L.; AGUDELO-CHOCONTÁ, B.; MARQUES, D. V.; FLORES, R. M. V.; RODRÍGUEZ-BORRAY, G.; SOUZA, M. O. de; GOULET, F.; VÁSQUEZ-URRIAGO, Á.; SÁNCHEZ-LOZANO, J.; PINTO, D. M.; ZAMBRANO-MORENO, G.; LONDOÑO-ARIAS, M.; ZAPATA-TAMAYO, C.; ROMÉMONT, A. de Abstract: Research organisations experience increasing demands to analyse on the multidimensional societal impacts of their activities. This leads to more reflections about the integration of organisa... ... |
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