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Autoria: ANDERSON, J. A.; ELLSWORTH, P. C.; FARIA, J. C.; HEAD, G. P.; OWEN, M. D. K.; PILCHER, C. D.; SHELTON, A. M.; MEISSLE, M. As the global population continues to expand, utilizing an integrated approach to pest management will be critically important for food security, agricultural sustainability, and environmental protect... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, G. M.; ASSAD, M. L. R. C. L.; HOTT, M. C.; OTENIO, M. H. The presence of fecal coliforms is one of the determinants for classification of the quality of water bodies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the water quality and surro... ... |
Autoria: DIAS, D. A.; FERNANDES, I. A.; MACHADO, E. P.; PEDOTT, L.; MORAES, M. C. B.; BORGES, M.; STEFFENS, J.; STEFFENS, C. Traditional pest management strategies, such as indiscriminate pesticide use, have adverse environmental and human health implications. As a sustainable alternative, this research focuses on employing... ... |
Autoria: BLANCO-GUTIÉRREZ, I.; MANNERS, R.; VARELA-ORTEGA, C.; TARQUIS, A. M.; MARTORANO, L. G.; TOLEDO, M. The Amazon basin is the world's largest rainforest and the most biologically diverse place on Earth. Despite the critical importance of this region, Amazon forests continue inexorably to be degraded a... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, T.; CUNHA, L. F. N.; FERREIRA, G. C. N.; KILLE, P.; OROZCO, P.; MOTTA, A. C.; PAULETTI, V.; SILVA, K. da; BROWN, G. G. Amazonian Dark Earths (ADEs) are highly fertile human-made soils, commonly found in Amazonia. These soils have a unique soil biota and a high content of charcoal, organic C, available P and Ca as a re... ... |
Autoria: RODRIGUES, R. de A. R.; FERREIRA, I. G. M.; CORDEIRO, F. R. The crop-livestock-forest integration is an opportunity to deal with today's challenges. With an increasingly globalized and dynamic world, thinking about innovative environmental solutions requires a... ... |
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