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Autoria: ARAÚJO, J. M.; SILVA, A. F.; NUNES. L.; FERREIRA, M. A. J. F.; CRISPIM, M. C. The present study was carried out in order to chemically characterize the agricultural waste generated in three communities in Projeto Pontal in period of water deficit, between August and November 20... ... |
Autoria: INACIO, C. de T.; MAGALHÃES, A. M. T.; SOUSA, P. O.; CHALK, M. The aim of this study was to measure variations in the isotopic composition (d13C and d15N) during the composting of different agricultural wastes using bench-scale bioreactors. Four different feedsto... ... |
Autoria: ASSALIN, M. R.; FERRACINI, V. L.; QUEIROZ, S. C. do N. de; JONSSON, C. M.; CLEMENTE, Z.; SILVA, S. R. C. M. da Abstract: This paper describes solar heterogeneous photocatalysis using immobilized TiO2 applied in the treatment of agricultural waste resulting from the application of commercial formulations of met... ... |
Autoria: STEINMETZ, R. L. R.; KUNZ, A.; AMARAL, A. C. do; SOARES, H. M.; SCHMIDT, T.; WEDWITSCHKA, H. The biochemical methane potential (BMP) index from agricultural, agroindustrial and livestock wastes it is essential for bioreactor?s design and to enable the biogas plants. For BMP standard procedure... ... |
Autoria: CARNIER, R.; BERTON, R. S.; COSCIONE, A. R.; PIRES, A. M. M.; CORBO, J. Z. F. Abstract: The coffee industry produces a wide range of organic wastes, some in large amounts, and most of them do not have a well-defined final disposal. The agricultural use of these wastes can be ba... ... |
Autoria: PALHARES, J. C. P.; CHARLÓN, V.; SPERBERG, F. S.; HERRERO, M. A.; LA MANNA, A. The aims of this study were quantify and qualify the dairy wastes in some South Americacountries to stimulate programs and policies in circular economy. |
Autoria: PIGATIN, L. B. F.; ATOLOYE, I. A.; OBIKOYA, O. A.; BORSATO, A. V.; REZENDE, M. O. O. Purpose The disposal of solid waste is a serious environmental problem for humanity. Vermicomposting is used as one of the methods for recycling of organic waste, resulting in a humified material of g... ... |
Autoria: RIBEIRO, E. A. dos S.; PASTANA, D. N. B.; BUFALINO, L.; LIRA-GUEDES, A. C.; GUEDES, M. C. Açaí is a source of wealth for riverine families and has been promoting the development of the Amazon River estuary. After depulping the fruits to produce the wine, the seeds of açaí are deposited nea... ... |
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