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Autoria: SCHMIDT, M. J.; GOLDBERG, S. L.; PERRON, J. T.; HECKENBERGER, M.; WATLING, J.; DORSHOW, W. B.; MORAES, B.; LIMA, H.; TEIXEIRA, W. G.; NEVES, E.; HOSLER, D.; WAURA, K.; KUIKURO, H.; KUIKURO, W.; KUIKURO, A.; FAUSTO, C.; FRANCHETTO, B. Amazonian dark earths (ADE) are anthropogenic soils with concentrated carbon and nutrients that formed mainly during the latter half of the Holocene, prior to the arrival of Europeans, but are still f... ... |
Autoria: MACEDO, R. S.; TEIXEIRA, W. G.; CORRÊA, M. M.; MARTINS, G. C.; VIDAL-TORRADO, P. Anthrosols known as Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE) have borne witness to the intensification of sedentary patterns and the demographic increase in Central Amazon. As a result, a recurring pattern has been... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, K. W. de; LIMA, H. N.; SCHAEFER, C. E. G. R.; TEIXEIRA, W. G.; PULROLNIK, K.; CORRÊA, G. R. Apesar da importância agrícola das Terras Pretas de Índio (TPI) na Amazônia - solos de origem pré-colombiana que ocorrem na região do vale do Amazonas/Solimões, cuja fertilidade está relacionada a ele... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, K. W. de; LIMA, H. N.; SCHAEFER, C. E. G. R.; TEIXEIRA, W. G.; PULROLNIK, K.; CORRÊA, G. R. Despite the agricultural importance of India Black Earth (IBE) in the Amazon region, there are few studies that report on the relation between soil texture and chemical fertility of IBE. These soils o... ... |
Autoria: MACEDO, R. S.; TEIXEIRA, W. G.; LIMA, H. N.; SOUZA, A. C. G. de; SIVA, F. W. R.; ENCINAS, O. C.; NEVES, E. G. Amazonian dark earths (ADEs) are fertile soils created by pre-Columbian Amerindian societies of the Amazon Basin. However, it is still not clear whether these soils were produced intentionally to impr... ... |
Autoria: TEIXEIRA, W. G.; MACEDO, R. S.; NEVES, E. G. This study brings a pedogeochemical characterization of ADE found in the naturally fertile alluvial floodplains of the Amazon river in the Central Brazilian Amazon. |
Autoria: CORDEIRO, F. R.; FONTANA, A.; MENEZES, A. R.; TEIXEIRA, W. G.; ANJOS, L. H. C. dos The objective of this work was to classify profiles identified in Brazil as ADE using the WRB system. The profiles were compiled through a bibliographical research of soil surveys, thesis and disserta... ... |
Autoria: DEMETRIO, W. C.; CONRADO, A. C.; ACIOLI, A. N. S.; FERREIRA, A. C.; BARTZ, M. L. C.; JAMES, S. W.; SILVA, E. da; MAIA, L. S.; MARTINS, G. C.; MACEDO, R. S.; STANTON, D. W. G.; LAVELLE, P.; VELASQUEZ, E.; ZANGERLÉ, A.; BARBOSA, R.; TAPIA-CORAL, S. C.; MUNIZ, A. W.; SANTOS, A.; FERREIRA, T.; SEGALLA, R. F.; DECAËNS, T.; NADOLNY, H. S.; PEÑA-VENEGAS, C. P.; MAIA, C. M. B. F.; PASINI, A.; MOTA, A. F.; TAUBE JÚNIOR, P. S.; SILVA, T. A. C.; REBELLATO, L.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, R. C. de; NEVES, E. G.; LIMA, H. P.; FEITOSA, R. M.; TORRADO, P. V.; McKEY, D.; CLEMENT, C. R.; SHOCK, M. P.; TEIXEIRA, W. G.; MOTTA, A. C. V.; MELO, V. F.; DIECKOW, J.; GARRASTAZU, M. C.; CHUBATSU, L. S.; KILLE, P.; BROWN, G. G.; CUNHA, L. Amazonian rainforests, once thought to be pristine wilderness, are increasingly known to have been widely inhabited, modified, and managed prior to European arrival, by human populations with diverse... ... |
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