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Autoria: WURMANN G. C.; ROUTLEDGE, E. A. B. Aquaculture and aquaculture diversification in South America: Facts and figures. Diversification of aquaculture in South America: a few figures and concepts. Aquaculture and aquaculture diversificatio... ... |
Autoria: ARAÚJO, C. A. S. de; SAMPAIO, F. G.; ALCÂNTARA, E.; CURTARELLI, M. P.; OGASHAWARA, I.; STECH, J. L. Stratification and mixing patterns of a water body are influenced by the variability of atmospheric systems, which can also modify their biogeochemical properties. The primary goal of this study was t... ... |
Autoria: PESSOA, M. C. P. Y.; FRASCÁ-SCORVO, C. M. D.; LOSEKANN, M. E.; HISANO, H.; SCORVO FILHO, J.; SILVA, C. A. da; SILVA, M. S. G. M. e; SAMPAIO, F. G.; INOUE, L. A. K. A.; BERGAMIN, G. T.; QUEIROZ, J. F. de; PAZZIANOTTO, C. B. The present work presents the validated version of the computer system to support Best Management Practices (BPM) and Environmental Management for aquaculture in Brazil ? Aquisys 1.3, resulting from A... ... |
Autoria: PESSOA, M. C. P. Y.; FRASCÁ-SCORVO, C. M. D.; LOSEKANN, M. E.; HISANO, H.; SCORVO FILHO, J. D.; SILVA, C. A.; SILVA, M. S. G. M. e; SAMPAIO, F. G.; QUEIROZ, J. F. de; PAZZIANOTTO, C. B. The present work presents the validated version of the computer system to support Best Management Practices (BPM) and Environmental Management for aquaculture in Brazil ? Aquisys 1.3, resulting from A... ... |
Autoria: GOMES, A. C. C.; SILVA, A. F.; PEREIRA, M. C. T. In aquaculture, biological treatments usually have an excellent benefit-cost ratio. This study evaluated the efficiency of different ecotechnologies on aquaculture wastewater treatment. Two experiment... ... |
Autoria: GREENSTREET, L.; FAN, J.; PACHECO, F. S.; BAI, Y.; UMMUS, M. E.; DORIA, C.; BARROS, N. O.; FORSBERG, B. R.; XU, X.; FLECKER, A.; GOMES, C. Aquaculture is growing rapidly in the Amazon basin and detailed spatial information is needed to understand the trade-offs between food production, economic development, and environmental impacts. Lar... ... |
Autoria: MUNOZ, A. E. P.; REZENDE, F. P.; MATAVELI, M.; BARROSO, R. M. This paper aims to outline an analysis of comparative economic performance of aquaculture centers in Brazil by collecting management information in twenty six selected aquaculture centers in nine dife... ... |
Autoria: DAVID, L. H.; PINHO, S. M.; AGOSTINHO, F.; KIMPARA, J. M.; KEESMAN, K. J.; GARCIA, F. The search for healthier protein sources and the growing demand for food by an increasing world population require aquaculture systems to not only be economically and technologically viable, but also... ... |
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