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Autoria: WURMANN G. C.; ROUTLEDGE, E. A. B. Aquaculture and aquaculture diversification in South America: Facts and figures. Diversification of aquaculture in South America: a few figures and concepts. Aquaculture and aquaculture diversificatio... ... |
Autoria: ARAÚJO, C. A. S. de; SAMPAIO, F. G.; ALCÂNTARA, E.; CURTARELLI, M. P.; OGASHAWARA, I.; STECH, J. L. Stratification and mixing patterns of a water body are influenced by the variability of atmospheric systems, which can also modify their biogeochemical properties. The primary goal of this study was t... ... |
Autoria: PESSOA, M. C. P. Y.; FRASCÁ-SCORVO, C. M. D.; LOSEKANN, M. E.; HISANO, H.; SCORVO FILHO, J. D.; SILVA, C. A.; SILVA, M. S. G. M. e; SAMPAIO, F. G.; QUEIROZ, J. F. de; PAZZIANOTTO, C. B. The present work presents the validated version of the computer system to support Best Management Practices (BPM) and Environmental Management for aquaculture in Brazil ? Aquisys 1.3, resulting from A... ... |
Autoria: PESSOA, M. C. P. Y.; FRASCÁ-SCORVO, C. M. D.; LOSEKANN, M. E.; HISANO, H.; SCORVO FILHO, J.; SILVA, C. A. da; SILVA, M. S. G. M. e; SAMPAIO, F. G.; INOUE, L. A. K. A.; BERGAMIN, G. T.; QUEIROZ, J. F. de; PAZZIANOTTO, C. B. The present work presents the validated version of the computer system to support Best Management Practices (BPM) and Environmental Management for aquaculture in Brazil ? Aquisys 1.3, resulting from A... ... |
Autoria: SÃO JOSÉ, F. F. DE; NOVO, Y. C. DE C.; FARIAS, A. R.; MAGALHÃES, L. A.; FONSECA, M. F. ABSTRACT: Aquaculture activities have been part of mankind's history for centuries. In Aktihep's tomb (2,500 B.C.), ancient Egypt, scenes of men removing tilapias from aquaculture ponds are depicted (... ... |
Autoria: GOMES, A. C. C.; SILVA, A. F.; PEREIRA, M. C. T. In aquaculture, biological treatments usually have an excellent benefit-cost ratio. This study evaluated the efficiency of different ecotechnologies on aquaculture wastewater treatment. Two experiment... ... |
Autoria: GREENSTREET, L.; FAN, J.; PACHECO, F. S.; BAI, Y.; UMMUS, M. E.; DORIA, C.; BARROS, N. O.; FORSBERG, B. R.; XU, X.; FLECKER, A.; GOMES, C. Aquaculture is growing rapidly in the Amazon basin and detailed spatial information is needed to understand the trade-offs between food production, economic development, and environmental impacts. Lar... ... |
Autoria: MUNOZ, A. E. P.; REZENDE, F. P.; MATAVELI, M.; BARROSO, R. M. This paper aims to outline an analysis of comparative economic performance of aquaculture centers in Brazil by collecting management information in twenty six selected aquaculture centers in nine dife... ... |
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