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Autoria: ARRAES, D. R. dos S.; TAVARES-DIAS, M. Predation and alteration of microhabitats may represent high risk for nesting of Amazonian turtles. This study aimed at investigating the nesting and body parameters of neonates of Podocnemis unifilis... ... |
Autoria: PASCHOAL, F.; SCHOLZ, T.; TAVARES-DIAS, M.; LUQUE, J. L. Two new species of Sciadicleithrum Kritsky, Thatcher and Boeger, 1989 are described from two cichlids from the Araguarí River, State of Amapá, northern Brazil. Sciadicleithrum edgari n. sp. from Satan... ... |
Size-dependent ecotoxicity of barium titanate particles: the case of Chlorella vulgaris green algae. Autoria: POLONINI, H. C.; BRANDAO, H. de M.; RAPOSO, N. R. B.; BRANDÃO, M. A. F.; MOUTON, L.; COUTÉ, A.; YÉPRÉMIAN, C.; SIVRY, Y.; BRAYNER, R. Studies have been demonstrating that smaller particles can lead to unexpected and diverse ecotoxicological effects when compared to those caused by the bulk material. In this study, the chemical compo... ... |
Autoria: LIMA, E. de P.; SEDYAMA, G. C.; SILVA, B. B. da; GLERIANI, J. M.; SOARES, V. P. The net radiation (Rn) represents the main source of energy for physical and chemical processes that occur in the surface-atmosphere interface, and it is used for air and soil heating, water transfer,... ... |
Autoria: POLAZ, C. N. M.; MELO, B. F.; BRITZKE, R.; RESENDE, E. K. de; MACHADO, F. de A.; LIMA, J. A. F. de; PETRERE JUNIOR, M. The Pantanal Biosphere Reserve contains one of the highest concentration of animal species in the Neotropics, including about 300 fish species living in diverse environments associated with wetlands i... ... |
Autoria: BARRETO, D. A.; FURTADO, A. L. dos S.; FOLHARINI, S. DE O.; MARINHO, C.; ROCHA, A. DE M.; BOZELLI, R. L.; AZEVEDO, J. P. S. DE; SILVA, L. H. S. Rivers, as most bodies of water, are subject to eutrophication and water contamination, mainly from domestic sewage and industrial discharges from urban centers and agricultural areas. These growing h... ... |
Autoria: MATTHIENSEN, A.; MIRANDA, C. R. de; MULINARI, M. R. A legislação ambiental brasileira busca minimizar os impactos negativos ou prejudiciais nas UCs pela presença de zonas de amortecimento no entorno destas. A área de estudo em questão compreende o Laje... ... |
Autoria: SILVEIRA, E. O. da; LOPES, R.; RODRIGUES, F. A.; RAIZER, M. D. M.; DIAS, F. J.; HARADA, P. K.; ARAÚJO, D. S.; PASQUAL, M.; LUZ, J. M. Q.; LOPES, M. T. G. The objective of this work was to carry out the in vitro establishment of Echynochloa polystachya aiming at obtaining a micropropagation protocol for works involving the selection of superior genotype... ... |
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