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Autoria: MORAIS, R. R. de; TEIXEIRA, W. G.; ROCHA, R. N. C. da; RODRIGUES, M. do R. L.; DÜNISCH, O. Studies on the influence of leaf temperature rise on gas exchange in tropical tree species grown in plantations are rare. With regard to the predicted increase in air temperature in the future in the... ... |
Autoria: NASCENTE, A. S.; ISHOLA, Z. T.; FILIPPI, M. C. C. de; SILVA, M. A.; CRUZ, D. R. C.; BEZERRA, G. de A. The increasing demand for using microorganisms in agriculture to improve food production requires constantly assessing microbial diversity. This study aimed to investigate the biochemical properties o... ... |
Autoria: MACHADO, E. C.; OLIVEIRA, R. F. de; RIBEIRO, R. V.; MEDINA, C. L.; STUCHI, E. S.; MARIN, F. R.; SILVA, J. A. B. da; SILVA, S. R. da O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da clorose variegada dos citros (CVC), no fluxo de seiva, trocas gasosas e atividade fotoquímica em laranjeira 'Natal', com e sem CVC, em condição de c... ... |
Autoria: REZENDE, L. F. C.; ARENQUE-MUSA, B. C.; MOURA, M. S. B. de; AIDAR, S. de T.; RANDOW, C. V.; MENEZES, R. S. C.; OMETTO, J. P. B. H. The semiarid region of northeastern Brazil, the Caatinga, is extremely important due to its biodiversity and endemism. Measurements of plant physiology are crucial to the calibration of Dynamic Global... ... |
Autoria: SMIDERLE, O. J.; SOUZA, A. das G.; MAIA, S. da S.; REIS, N. D. dos; COSTA, J. S. da; PEREIRA, G. S. Products that have biostimulant action on forest seedlings, such as those based seaweed Acadian® and hormones, have been used due to their beneficial effect on the physiology and growth of plants, in... ... |
Autoria: REZENDE, L. F. C.; ARENQUE, B. C.; AIDAR, S. de T.; MOURA, M. S. B. de; RANDOW, C. V.; TOURIGNY, E.; MENEZES, R. S. C.; OMETTO, J. P. H. B. Dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) simulate surface processes such as the transfer of energy, water, CO2, and momentum between the terrestrial surface and the atmosphere, biogeochemical cycles,... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, A. C. da; BORELLA, D. R.; SANTOS, L. M. M. dos; BOUVIÉ, L.; SILVA, K. N. C.; BEHLING, M.; ARANTES, R. F. T. The incidence of different intensities of solar radiation on plants directly influences the net assimilation of CO2, and consequently on plant growth and development. The aim of the current study was... ... |
Autoria: VIEIRA, E. A.; SILVA, M das G.; MORO, C. F.; LAURA, V. A. Drought is considered the main abiotic stress because it influences the distribution of plant species and limits the productivity of ecosystems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of dr... ... |
Autoria: PAULA NETO, A.; FAVARIN, J. L.; REIS, A. R. dos; TEZOTTO, T.; ALMEIDA, R. E. M. de; LAVRES JUNIOR, J.; GALLO, L. A. Coffee plants require high application rates of nitrogen (N) to produce coffee beans. However, information regarding plant N uptake and assimilation under intensive high-technology cultivation systems... ... |
Autoria: BRITO, G. G. de; FAGUNDES, P. R. R.; TELÓ, G. M.; ABREU, A. G. de; MAGALHAES JUNIOR, A. M. de; FRANCO, D. F.; ANDRES, A.; PARFITT, J. M. B.; KUHN, R. A.; PETRINI, J. A. Heat stress is an increasing constraint for the productivity of rice (Oryza sativa L.) worldwide. In this context, a study was carry out to quantify the supra-optimal temperature effects on rice yield... ... |
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