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Autoria: ÂNGELO, F. F.; REZENDE, A. P. M.; SCHWAAB, R. D. C.; LOPES, M. F.; AGUIAR, D. M.; SOUZA, V. de; ARAUJO, R. F. de; GUIMARAES, I. B.; DELVINO, R. M.; VARELLA, G. O. M. The aim of this study was to monitor the presence of pathogens causing caprine mastitis during three months in a properties situated in the region of the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais. The presence of... ... |
Autoria: MELLO, I. S.; PIETRO-SOUZA, W.; LIOTTI, R. G.; PEREIRA, J. M. C.; BICHARA, K. P. A.; SILVA, G. F.; ALMEIDA, E. G.; SOARES, M. A. The mercury is a contaminant in gold mining in the city of Poconé. This heavy metal is a toxic in different organisms and affect the human by bioaccumulation process causing a serie of cronic diseases... ... |
Autoria: SQUINCA, P.; BILATTO, S.; BADINO, A. C.; FARINAS, C. S. In the shift towards sustainable development, there is increasing interest in the isolation of cellulose nanomaterials using enzyme-mediated strategies that are more environmentally friendly. The prin... ... |
Autoria: DUARTE, S. C.; KUCHIISHI, S. S.; ALMEIDA, F. dos S.; OSOWSKI, G. V.
Autoria: RAMOS, I. N. de A.; OVELAR, L. F. V.; MACHADO, M. de A.; ARECO, M. S.; PASQUATTI, T. N.; ARAUJO, F. R.; BIER, D.; RODRIGUES, R. de A. Cases of contamination of meat products that result in food outbreaks are most often caused by the transmission of Staphylococcus aureus through inadequate hygiene practices during slaughter and handl... ... |
Autoria: ALMEIDA JUNIOR, H. L. de; MEIRELES, R. da S.; CASTRO, L. A. S. de; SIQUEIRA, R. N.; RAMPON, G.; SILVA. R. M. e.
Autoria: PAIXÃO, M.; LOPES, M.; COSTA, G. M. da; SOUZA, G. N. de; ABREU, L. R. de; PINTO, S. M. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between aspects related to financial management and The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between aspects related to f... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, M. R.; MORAES, F. E.; LEMOS, E. G. M.; MERCANTE, F. M.
Autoria: AMARAL, A. M. do; CARVALHO, S. A.; SILVA, L. F. C; MACHADO, M. A.
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