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Autoria: NICKEL, O.; BARBOSA, C. de J.; SANTOS-FILHO, H. P.; PASSOS, O. S.; LARANJEIRA, F. F. In the 1960's a bark scaling disorder was identified in sweet orange and grapefruit trees in Brazil. It is characterized by yellow-beige to light brown scaling lesions on the trunk or on small branche... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, L. R. de; GONÇALVES, D. S.; CAROLINO, A. S.; FACCHINATTO, W. M.; MENEZES, D. C.; DIAS, C. O.; COLNAGO, L. A.; RUIZ, Y. L.; IU, S. T.; FONSECA FILHO, H. D. da; CHAUDHURI, P.; CAMPELO, P. H.; MASCARENHAS, Y. P.; SANCHES, E. A. Citrus sudden death (CSD) is a disease that has affected millions of orange trees in Brazil, leading to economic losses in the order of billions of US dollars. This article examines the effects of CSD... ... |
Autoria: LUZ, L. dos R.; ALVES FILHO, E. G.; SOARES, M. M. da S.; PORTO, D. D.; BECKER, H.; ZOCOLO, G. J. Schinopsis brasiliensis Engl. (braúna) is a tree species of the Anacardiaceae family. It is native to Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia. It is a candidate for agro-industrial system that can be used to pr... ... |
Autoria: CASTRILLON, R. G.; MARQUES, C.; FARIAS, F. O.; HELM, C. V.; MATHIAS, A. L. ABSTRACT: The feasibility of enhancing oat cereal bars, widely recognized for their health benefits, was investigated by replacing up to 5% oats with whole seed, almond, or steam-cooked pinhão husk fl... ... |
Autoria: LIEBSCH, D.; MIKICH, S. B. Conflitos envolvendo animais selvagens e plantios comerciais têm sido comumente registrados em todo o mundo, incluindo o descascamento de árvores nativas ou exóticas por primatas. No sul do Brasil, o... ... |
Autoria: IEDE, E. T.; REIS FILHO, W.; PENTEADO, S. do R. C.; ZALESKI, S. M.
Autoria: MAYER, N. A.; UENO, B.; SILVA, V. A. L. da; VALGAS, R. A.; SILVEIRA, C. M. da
Autoria: BARKA, G. D.; CAIXETA, E. T.; FERREIRA, S. S.; ZAMBOLIM, L. Physiology-based differentiation of SH genes and Hemileia vastatrix races is the principal method employed for the characterization of coffee leaf rust resistance. Based on the gene-for-gene theory, n... ... |
Autoria: BARKA, G. D.; CAIXETA, E. T.; ALMEIDA, R. F. de; ALVARENGA, S. M.; ZAMBOLIM, L. Countering the economic hurdle caused by coffee leaf rust disease is most appealing at this time as it has posed a major threat to coffee production around the world. Establishing differential express... ... |
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