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Autoria: CARVALHO, S. C. S.; FRANCISCO, V. C.; FURTADO, A. J.; CHAMILETE, S. A. M.; SILVA, K. F.; RODRIGUES, P. H. M.; NASSU, R. T. The increase in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) is considered one of the leading causes of global warming, and enteric methane (CH4) from beef cattle represents an important emission source in the agri... ... |
Autoria: NASSU, R. T.; BRITO, G. F.; SILVA, M. L. P. da; BERNDT, A.; TULLIO, R. R.; ALENCAR, M. M. de Sensory attributes of beef are very important in consumer?s point of view, mainly regarding to its tenderness and flavour. |
Autoria: SANTOS, S. A.; SOUZA, G. S.; TOMICH, T. R.; MORAIS, M. da G.; FRANCO, G.; ABREU, U. G. P. de The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of protein-energy supplementation during the dry period on the performance of different categories of beef cattle in different management systems of n... ... |
Autoria: PEIXOTO, M. G. C. D.; CANDA, R. A.; BRUNELI, F. A. T.; SANTOS, G. G. dos; VENTURA, H. T.; LOPES, P. S.
Autoria: NASSU, R. T.; SILVA, M. L. P. da; BRITO, G. F.; BERNDT, A.; TULLIO, R. R.; ALENCAR, M. M. de
Autoria: KAPPELER, B. I. G.; REGITANO, L. C. de A.; POLETI, M. D.; CESAR, A. S. M.; MOREIRA, G. C. M.; GASPARIN, G.; COUTINHO, L. L. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs of approximately 22 nucleotides, highly conserved among species, which modulate gene expression by cleaving messenger RNA target or inhibiting translation.... ... |
Autoria: MOTA, R. R.; LOPES, P. S.; MARQUES, L. F. A.; SILVA, L. P. da; RESENDE, M. D. V. de; TORRES, R. de A. The weight records from Simmental beef cattle were used in a genetic evaluation of growth with or without the inclusion of animals obtained by embryo transfer. A multi-trait model in which embryo tran... ... |
Autoria: MOTA, R. R.; LOPES, P. S.; MARQUES, L. F. A.; SILVA, L. P.; PESSOA, M. C.; TORRES, R. A.; RESENDE, M. D. V. de Weight records of Simmental beef cattle were used in a genetic evaluation of growth with and without embryo transfer (ET). A random regression model in which ET individuals were excluded (RRM1) contai... ... |
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