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Autoria: SOARES, F. M.; MACULAN, B. C. M. S.; DRUCKER, D. P. Agricultural Biodiversity has been defined by the Convention on Biological Diversity as the set of elements of biodiversity that are relevant to agriculture and food production. These elements are arr... ... |
Autoria: HOFFMANN, L. V.; BORBA, T. C. de O.; ALLEM, L. N.; BARROSO, P. A. V.; MELLO, R. N. de Introduction; From nature to agriculture: why we need diversity?; Microrganisms and pests associated to plants; Genetic markers and molecular markers; How measures are taken: a brief review on the sim... ... |
Autoria: PEZZINI, F. F.; MELO, P. H. A. DE; OLIVEIRA, D. M. S. DE; AMORIM, R. X. DE; FIGUEIREDO, F. O. G. DE; DRUCKER, D. P.; RODRIGUES, F. R. DE O.; ZUQUIM, G.; EMILIO, T.; COSTA, F. R. C.; MAGNUSSON, W. E.; SAMPAIO, A. F.; LIMA, A. P.; GARCIA, A. R. DE. M.; MANZATTO, A. G.; NOGUEIRA, A.; COSTA, C. P. DA; BARBOSA, C. E. DE A.; BERNARDES, D.; CASTILHO, C. V. de; CUNHA, C. N. DA; FREITAS, C. G. DE; CAVALCANTE, C. DE O.; BRANDÃO, D. O.; RODRIGUES, D. DE J.; SANTOS, E. C. DA P. R. DOS; BACCARO, F. B.; ISHIDA, F. Y.; CARVALHO, F. A.; MOULATLET, G. M.; GUILLAUMET, J-L. B.; PINTO, J. L. P. V.; SCHIETTI, J.; VALE, J. D. DO; BELGER, L.; VERDADE, L. M.; PANSONATO, M. P.; NASCIMENTO, M. T.; SANTOS, M. C. V. DOS; CUNHA, M. S. DA; ARRUDA, R.; BARBOSA, R. I.; ROMERO, R. L.; PANSINI, S.; PIMENTEL, T. P. The database of the Brazilian Program for Biodiversity Research (PPBio; GIVD ID SA-BR-001) includes data on the environment and biological groups such as plants. It is organized by site, which is usua... ... |
Autoria: BROWN, G. G.; COOPER, M.; KOBAYASHI, M. The vast diversity and the important role of soil biodiversity in ecosystem functioning and ecosystem service delivery can be deeply affected by human activities as well as by natural disasters, thoug... ... |
Autoria: BARLOW, J.; LEES, A. C.; SIST, P.; ALMEIDA, R.; ARANTES, C. C.; ARMENTERAS, D.; BERENGUER, E.; CARON, P.; CUESTA, F.; DORIA, C. R. C.; FERREIRA, J. N.; FLECKER, A.; HEILPERN, S.; KALAMANDEEN, M.; PEÑA-CLAROS, M.; PIPONIOT, C.; POMPEU, P. S.; SOUZA, C.; VALENTIM, J. F. Present-day human activities are reducing and altering Amazonian biodiversity and disrupting the functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (Chapter 19 & 20). This chapter outlines some of the... ... |
Autoria: SCHWAIDA, S. F.; CICERELLI, R. E.; ALMEIDA, T.; SANO, E. E.; PIRES, C. H.; RAMOS, A. P. M. Abstract Habitat loss and natural vegetation fragmentation are significant causes of global biodiversity decline, impacting plant and animal species negatively. This issue is worrisome in the private... ... |
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