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Autoria: BUSTILLO, V.; VICTORIA, R. L.; MOURA, J. M. S. de; VICTORIA, D. de C.; COLICCHIO, E. The influence of Amazonian floodplains on the hydrological, sedimentary, and biogeochemical river budget was investigated over a 2000-km reach. A process-based model relying on the closure of chemical... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, A. M. de S. D.; OLIVEIRA, F. de A.; VASCONCELOS, S. S.; GUIMARÃES, J. R. da S.; TOSTES, L. de C. L.; CRUZ JUNIOR, F. O.; FREITAS, J. da L.; COSTA, J. V. T. A.; LOBATO, A. M. B.; SANTOS, A. C. dos This study was part of the Manipulation of Moisture and Nutrient Availability in Young Regrowth Forests in Eastern Amazonia Project (MANFLORA). The experiment was designed in completely randomized blo... ... |
Autoria: FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; OVALLE, A. R. C.; REZENDE, C. E. de; MARTINELLI, L. A. Abstract: The study was conducted in the lower basin of the Paraíba do Sul River (PSR), in which 57,000 km2 of the basin is located in the Brazilian states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeir... ... |
Autoria: FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; CAK, A.; MARKEWITZ, D. Abstract: Expansion of agriculture in the Brazilian Amazon has been driven not just by demands from traditional, rural producers, but also large agriculture and cattle producers, both of whom have put... ... |
Autoria: ROSA, M. B. S. da; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; MARKEWITZ, D.; KRUSCHE, A. V.; COSTA, F. F.; GERHARD, P. Abstract: CO2 effluxes from streams and rivers has been hypothesized to be a critical pathway of carbon flow from the biosphere back to the atmosphere. This study was conducted in three Amazonian smal... ... |
Autoria: RIBEIRINHO, V. S.; ANDRADE, C. A. de; PIRES, A. M. M.; CAMARGO, O. A. de
Autoria: PIRES, A. M. M.; MATTIAZZO, M. E.; GUILHERME, L. R. G.; MARCHI, G. Trace metals phytoavailability is a major concern related to land application of biosolids. Formation of soluble complexes between metals and organic acids exudates in the rhizosphere b plants or prod... ... |
Autoria: GUERREIRO, R. L.; BERGIER, I.; McGLUE, M. M.; WARREN, L. V.; ABREU, U. G. P. de; ABRAHÃO, J.; ASSINE, M. L. The Pantanal is the most conserved biome in Brazil and among the last wild refuges in South America, but intensification of agriculture and other land use changes present challenges for protecting thi... ... |
Autoria: KAO, R. H.; GIBSON, C. M.; GALLERY, R. E.; MEIER, C. L.; BARNETT, D. T.; DOCHERTY, K. M.; BLEVINS, K. K.; TRAVERS, P. D.; AZUAJE, E.; SPRINGER, Y. P.; THIBAULT, K. M.; MCKENZIE, V. J.; KELLER, M.; ALVES, L. F.; HINCKLEY, E-L. S.; PARNELL, J.; SCHIMEL, D. Rapid changes in climate and land use and the resulting shifts in species distributions and ecosystem functions have motivated the development of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). In... ... |
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