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Autoria: CEREZINI, P.; PÍPOLO, A. E.; HUNGRIA, M.; NOGUEIRA, M. A. Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in soybean is vulnerable to drought; however, there are genotypic variations among soybean cultivars regarding the ability to keep BNF under moderate water restricti... ... |
Autoria: TORRES, A. R.; GRUNVALD, A. K.; MARTINS, T. B.; SANTOS, M. A. dos; LEMOS, N. G.; SILVA, L. A. S.; HUNGRIA, M. Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) has global economic and environmental importance, but has often not been considered in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] breeding programs. Knowing the genetic dive... ... |
Biological nitrogen fixation in soybean under water restriction and exposed to 1-methylcyclopropene. Autoria: NASCIMENTO, JUNIOR, V. C. do; PRETE, C. E. C.; NOGUEIRA, M. A. ABSTRACT: The objective of this work was to assess the effects of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on traits related with biological nitrogen fixation on 'BRS 268' soybean (Glycine max) subjected to water... ... |
Autoria: SEIDO, S. L.; SANTOS, C. A. F.; FERNANDES JUNIOR, P. I.; SILVA, D. O. M. da; TIMKO, M. P. This work aimed to estimate the genetic parameters of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in cowpea to guide the development of efficient cultivars in N2 fixation. Inoculation was performed with a mix... ... |
Autoria: HUNGRIA, M.; MENDES, I. C.; NAKATAMI, A. S.; REIS-JUNIOR, F. B.; FERNANDES, M. F. We reported the effects of transgenic glyphosate resistant soybean cultivars (GRC), glyphosateand weed management strategies (glyphosate + GRC vs. conventional herbicides + non-GRC)on biological nitro... ... |
Autoria: CARVALHO, T. G.; ROSMAN, A. C.; GRAVITOL, C.; NOGUEIRA, E. de M.; BALDANI, J. I.; HEMERLY, A. S. Sugarcane is an economically important crop that is used for the production of fuel ethanol. Diazotrophic bacteria have been isolated from sugarcane tissues, without causing visible plant anatomical c... ... |
Autoria: HUNGRIA, M.; MENDES, I. C.; NAKATANI, A. S.; REIS-JUNIOR, F. B. dos; MORAIS, J. Z.; OLIVEIRA, M. C. N. de; FERNANDES, M. F. The commercial use of glyphosate-resistant (also known as Roundup Ready®, GR or RR) soybean wasinitiated in 1996 in the United States. This genetically engineered crop now occupies 75.4 million haworl... ... |
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