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Autoria: MARTINS, P. do C.; CAMPOS, M. M.; LIMA, J. A. M.; MACHADO, F. S.; PEREIRA, L. G. R.; TOMICH, T. R.; POSSAS, F. P.; COELHO, S. G.
Autoria: MAIA, A. P. de; OLIVEIRA, S. R. de M.; MOURA, D. J. de; SARUBBI, J.; VERCELLINO, R. do A.; MEDEIROS, B. B. L.; GRISKA, P. R. ABSTRACT: Thermal comfort is of great importance in preserving body temperature homeostasis during thermal stress conditions. Although the thermal comfort of horses has been widely studied, there is n... ... |
Autoria: VASCONCELOS, H. C. G.; TAVARES-DIAS, M. Host-parasite interactions between crustaceans and six fish species (Psectrogaster falcata, Ageneiosus ucayalensis, Acestrorhynchus falcirostris, Hemiodus unimaculatus, Serrasalmus gibbus and Geophagu... ... |
Autoria: MOURA, A. B. B.; PANTOJA, M. H. A.; ROMANELLO, N.; LEMES, A. P.; ESTEVES, S. N.; FONSECA, J. F. da; BRANDÃO, F. Z.; GARCIA, A. R. Abstract: The aim of this study was to correlate the testicular surface temperature with rectal temperature and semen quality in rams of different genotypic groups. The experiment was conducted at Emb... ... |
Autoria: BAVARESCO, C; GOPINGER, E.; KRABBE, E. L.; SUREK, D.; AVILA, V. S. de ABSTRACT : The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of drinking water temperature on broiler body surface temperature at 35 days of age, 784 chickens were distributed in 28 floor pens... ... |
Autoria: ALVES, F. V.; KARVATTE JUNIOR, N.; MASTELARO, A. P.; MIYAGI, E. S.; MENEZES, G. R. de O.; OLIVEIRA, C. C.; BUNGENSTAB, D. J. Thermally stressful environments may cause physiological and metabolic changes in farm animals, among these, a higher methane production by ruminants. In this context, the main thermoregulatory mechan... ... |
Autoria: ALVES, H. M. R.; VOLPATO, M. M. L.; VIEIRA, T. G. C.; MACIEL, D. A.; GONÇALVES, T. G.; DANTAS, M. F. In Brazil, coffee production has great economic and social importance. Despite this fact, there is still a shortage of information regarding its spatial distribution, crop management and environment.... ... |
Autoria: LEÃO, J. M.; MACHADO, F. S.; CAMPOS, M. M.; CARNEIRO, J. C.; MARTINS, P. C.; COSTA, I. C.; SILVA, P. S. D.; FARIA, B. K. A.; LIMA, J. A. M.; SOUZA, R. S. de; COELHO, S. G.
Autoria: FERREIRA, F.; PIRES, M. de F. Á.; MARTINEZ, M. L.; COELHO, S. G.; CARVALHO, A. U.; FERREIRA, P. M.; FACURY FILHO, E. J.; CAMPOS, W. E. RESUMO - Caracterizaram-se as respostas fisiológicas de termorregulação em conforto e estresse calórico de bovinos cruzados F2 (½ Gir x ½ Holandês), machos e fêmeas, com idade entre 14 e 20 meses. Os... ... |
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